
Friday, September 13, 2013

ARC Review: Good Intentions by S.L. Scott

I jumped at the chance to read Good Intentions from S. L. Scott after reading and loving Good Vibrations. Good Intentions is the continuation of Evan and Mallory's story, and should not be read unless you have already read the first book. This story picks up right after the end of Good Vibrations and really begins to delve into the growing relationship between the two. You really begin to see the growth of Evan and Mallory as a couple and how what they have goes beyond the attraction and fun of the first book. I was hoping that with this second book that it wouldn't fall flat as sequels sometimes do, and that everything I loved about the first book would still be there. S.L. Scott absolutely did not disappoint, in fact she exceeded my expectations!

As Mallory's departure for Colorado looms ahead, she and Evan must start to figure out how to take their new relationship and feelings from sexy summer fling to committed long distance relationship. Things are not easy for the two of them, and there are many obstacles in the way. Mallory and Evan begin to open up to each other and share more than they ever have before, and their relationship strengthens. Once Mallory is in Colorado, and Evan is in New York things become harder than ever for them as they must balance school and work while trying to carve out time to talk with each other. Can they possibly make their relationship work and survive the time apart, or will there just be too many things standing in the way?

I love Mallory and Evan together. They have so much chemistry and steam, and the sex is always hot! But beyond the physical, they have an undeniable connection. They are good for each other and they have both grown as individuals and as a couple. Mallory has really encouraged Evan to grow up and mature. He starts seeing life differently and thinking about the future. Not only does he think about the future as pertaining to Mallory, but he begins to contemplate what he wants from himself. He knows that living from day to day surfing and picking up chicks is no longer the life he wants to live. It was really refreshing to see him go from living life so recklessly to becoming a better person without all the angst and drama. Mallory and Evan are so fun to read about, and I really enjoy how cute and funny they are together. Their banter is playful and sweet, and just proves how perfect they are for each other.

Overall Mallory and Evan's story just keeps getting better! I have become so invested in their characters, and I can't wait to see how things end up. I am really starting to hate Evan's mother, and I hope that she gets what is coming to her! I know that S.L. Scott will take these characters where they need to go, and i'm looking forward to reading more about them as they continue on their path to what I hope is their happily ever after. This book does end abruptly, and I found myself wishing that it wasn't over. I need to know what happens between Mallory and Evan and I cannot wait until the next book. I hope that book three has more of Sunny and the characters from Hawaii. I found myself missing them towards the end of this book, and wondering what was going on with them as well! This series is so enjoyable and I would highly recommend it to anyone who loves a good romance and is a fan of the New Adult genre.

**ARC provided by AToMR Tours**

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