
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

ARC Review: Far Too Tempting by Lauren Blakely

Far Too Tempting is Lauren Blakely's newest contemporary romance release, and I really enjoyed reading it. This story is one that kept me entertained and I really loved the characters. Each book I read from Lauren Blakely just convinces me more and more of what a fabulous writer she is. Her books are always filled with interesting and deep characters, sweet and steamy storylines and witty banter to keep you laughing. The more I read from her, the more I am a fan. Far Too Tempting definitely delivered on everything I have come to expect from Lauren Blakely. I really loved the twist on the rock star story in that the rock star is actually the heroine instead of the hero. It was refreshing to see something different than the same old thing.

Jane Black has finally found success as a rockstar. After her painful breakup, she wrote an album that just won a Grammy. But now everyone is wondering what is next for her and they are all eager for her to get a new album out as soon as possible. But she has a case of writers block and can't seem to come up with anything that is good enough. Matthew Harrigan is one of the most successful music journalists in the business. When he asks Jane to do a feature article on the process of creating an album and the writing of songs she is hesitant at first but soon agrees. But Jane and Matthew are extremely attracted to each other and the more they talk and spend time together, the more they want to be more than just professional with each other. Soon Jane is wondering if maybe it is only possible to write great music with a broken heart. Everything is going wonderful between Jane and Matthew, but Jane begins to wonder if maybe she needs to end things in order to have material to inspire her. But Matthew isn't willing to let Jane go so easily and is determined to show her that they can have a relationship and she can have her music too.

I loved Matthew. I thought that he was a great guy! Gorgeous and sexy, he is from England and has an accent. Who wouldn't love a sexy Brit? He is nice and charming, witty and sweet. He is definitely one of my favorite heroes I have read recently, and he was just one of those genuinely good guys. I loved how he was with Jane and even though he tried to keep things professional it was so great to see how much he wanted Jane. I also loved that he didn't want her because she was a rock star, but because of who she was as a person. I really liked Jane. She is strong and determined. I thought that she was a great person and loved that she was able to go from the Grammy's to being just a regular mom who helped her son with homework. She was a great friend and sister. Her relationship with her brother was something that I also really enjoyed. It was nice to see such a strong brother sister bond and it was just a really special relationship. Jane and Matthew were so great together. They had all the attraction and chemistry that makes a great couple, but they were also really sweet together and had an ease to their relationship that seemed very natural. I loved reading their emails back and forth, and the witty banter was so much fun. These two just seemed perfect for each other, and I loved that there wasn't a ton of angst and drama as they got to know each other better.

Overall I really liked this book. Jane and Matthew were great and I loved watching them fall in love. I also really enjoyed the other characters and thought that they were interesting as well. My one criticism about this book, and the reason for my rating is that although I enjoyed this story, I was hoping for more of the romance between Jane and Matthew. Much of this story focused on Jane's inability to write music and how her past relationship and heartbreak left her feeling less than confident. While the story was inspiring and uplifting it was more a story to me of overcoming painful events and the journey of healing and discovering yourself than the romance and connection between Jane and Matthew. I think that there are many people who will love and enjoy this book, and that won't be a problem for them. It was just that I personally was hoping for more of the love and relationship than what this book had. This book is a great read though and I really did enjoy the story and the characters. Lauren Blakely definitely has written another winner with Far Too Tempting, and I will continue to read anything by her that I come across. She is a wonderful writer and her books are always guaranteed to entertain. If you love contemporary romances, this story is absolutely one that you should check it. It is worth the read for Matthew alone!

**ARC provided by Sizzling PR**

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |


  1. Great review. Sounds like a good book.

  2. Thanks for sharing your review and the giveaway. Sounds like a great book. evamillien at gmail dot com
