
Saturday, December 14, 2013

ARC Review: Parts & Wreck by Mark Henry

Wade Crowson finds his hands full with his new partner, Lucid Montgomery. Lucid is smart, sexy, and sassy and cursed. These two form a very interesting pair. Wade needs an assistant and when Luce shows up for the interview he knows that there is a reason for them meeting.

Sister Mary-Agnes Albright warns Luce that Wade will do all he can to keep her alive. Although Luce is not affected by the statement Wade seems to have his experience in demonic infestations. Most notably his former partner, Rachel. Rachel is the victim of an exorcism gone wrong.

Although this is not usually the type of book I would enjoy I found the writing to be interesting and very creative. There is a sense of humor throughout the entire demon-catching scenario that Wade is engaged in. These scenes bring a lot of paranormal elements and chasing to the story.

Luce believes that she needs to be a part of The Parts Department with Wade, she believes that it is her duty to stop the demonic uprising. Although she keeps it a secret, or tries for the most part, she sees and speaks to “spirits”. Besides the growing attraction between Wade and Luce they form a partnership to chase down the demons. That is until Luce falls victim to one and her body is the victim of demonic possession.

This was a fun and interesting read full of paranormal demonic occurrences and a dash of romance.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |


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