
Sunday, February 2, 2014

ARC Review: Resisting the Hero by Cindi Madsen

I have really enjoyed every Accidentally in Love story to date, and was really excited when I found out Resisting the Hero was being released. Connor and Faith were a ton of fun to read about, and were right up there with Wes and Dani for being my favorites from this series. If you haven't read any of the books in this series, they can each be read as standalones. I highly recommend that you check this series out though as they are all really good, and its great to see each of the couples have brief cameos as the series progresses. Resisting the Hero is definitely worth the read, and just proves why this series is one that will stick with me and that I know I will keep rereading in the future.

After losing her father to his dangerous job as a Cop and having her boyfriend cheat on her, Faith is determined to only settle for normal and safe when it comes to her future. She returns home to stay with her brother after her awful break-up. She finds out that he has just put himself in even more danger than just being a Cop by him joining the SWAT team. When she comes face to face with her brother's partner Connor and the reason he joined SWAT, she immediately vows to stay away from him. But the attraction between them is instant. Connor instantly drawn to Faith, but with the warning from her brother as well as his past, he knows that he should stay away from her. But the more they get to know each other, the harder they find it to stay away from each other. Connor is determined to prove to Faith that for the first time he is ready to have a relationship with only one woman and that woman is her. Faith however is still convinced that being with a Cop is the last thing she needs, even if that Cop is Connor and she knows that she has come to care about him. Can Connor convince her that what they have is worth the risk? Or will Faith let her past continue to determine her future and cause her to do what she has always done and run?

I really liked Connor. At first he is cocky and arrogant, and I really thought that I wasn't going to like him at all. However that quickly changed, and it was great to see that he was more than just his first impression. He was sweet and patient, and was great with his family and friends. He was so caring and protective, and the kind of guy who was always looking out for others. I loved how sweet he was with his dog Penny and also with the children in his life. He was just a really good guy who also happened to be a smoking hot man in uniform! I liked Faith. I thought that she was a great heroine that had been through a lot and was vulnerable. She had been hurt so much that she was afraid to put herself out there, especially with someone in a higher risk job. But I loved that she started to let Connor in and got to know him beyond what she had originally assumed about him. I really liked that she wasn't a prissy girly girl and that she enjoyed going fishing and doing things that a lot of girls wouldn't. I thought that Faith and Connor had a lot of chemistry together and tons of sexual tension. I liked that they took it slow though and really allowed their connection to strengthen. Their feelings seemed much more real to me because they were based off friendship and emotion and not just sex. Faith and Connor were a great fit for each other, and I enjoyed watching them open up to one another and grow.

Overall, I really liked this story. Out of all of the books in this series, Falling For Her Fiance had been my favorite until I read Resisting the Hero. Its hard to tell which one I liked more, because they were both so good! Connor and Faith will always be one of my favorites as will Dani and Wes. The one thing that kept this book from being a five star read for me though was the constant pushing away that Faith did to Connor. I can understand that after everything that she had been through how she would be hesitant to let someone in especially with his career. However it got old after the first several times and at that point it really got to the point that I was getting irritated with her. With her pursuing a career in psychology, it didn't make sense for her to be so hung up on her past and incapable of moving on. The one redeeming bit of the whole thing though was the fact that at least she was aware of her short comings. I just wish that she wouldn't have kept at it for so long. By the time that she finally accepted her feelings for Connor and was ready to take a risk the book was almost over and I felt that their HEA got a bit rushed. I would have liked to have seen them have a bit less push and pull and more time actually together. I liked the epilogue and thought that it was really nice that we got to see that part of the series, but I wish that we would have got a bit more of what happened for Connor and Faith after. I felt like it was somewhat abrupt and that we could have been given a bit more. All in all though, this one was definitely one of my favorites in this series. Cindi Madsen continues to write stories filled with likable characters that you can't help but become invested in and root for. I can't wait to see what she writes next. I highly recommend checking this story out if you haven't already, and would recommend this series to anyone who likes their romances to be sweet and tension filled with a ton of chemistry.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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