
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

My Favorite Book Couple with Shana Galen

Shana Galen is the bestselling author of fast-paced adventurous Regency historicals, including the RT Reviewers’ Choice The Making of a Gentleman. Booklist says “Galen expertly entwines espionage-flavored intrigue with sizzling passion,” and RT Bookreviews calls her “a grand mistress of the action/adventure subgenre.” She taught English at the middle and high school level off and on for eleven years. Most of those years were spent working in Houston's inner city. Now she writes full time. She’s happily married and has a daughter who is most definitely a romance heroine in the making.

Places to find Shana:

Deuce and Fade

I bet you didn’t expect an historical romance author to say my favorite book couple is from a dystopian young adult series, but I have to say that Ann Aguirre’s Razorland series is one of the best I’ve read in a long time. Her heroine, Deuce, and her hero, Fade, are my new favorites, and I think you’ll like them too!

Reasons You’ll Love Deuce and Fade

1. This series is similar to The Hunger Games and Divergent. If you liked those, these books will appeal as well.

2. Deuce is a strong, kick-ass heroine. That’s my favorite type.

3. Fade is strong too, but he’s also sensitive. I love tortured heroes.

4. These books had so much suspense and action and tension that I could not put them down. I was genuinely worried about Deuce and Fade surviving.

5. The love story. Sigh. Deuce and Fade have to overcome a lot to be together. The struggle makes the love story all the sweeter.

New York City has been decimated by war and plague, and most of civilization has migrated to underground enclaves, where life expectancy is no more than the early 20's. When Deuce turns 15, she takes on her role as a Huntress, and is paired with Fade, a teenage Hunter who lived Topside as a young boy. When she and Fade discover that the neighboring enclave has been decimated by the tunnel monsters - or Freaks - who seem to be growing more organized, the elders refuse to listen to warnings. And when Deuce and Fade are exiled from the enclave, the girl born in darkness must survive in daylight - guided by Fade's long-ago memories - in the ruins of a city whose population has dwindled to a few dangerous gangs.

Ann Aguirre's thrilling young adult novel is the story of two young people in an apocalyptic world- - facing dangers, and feelings, unlike any they've ever known.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

What better disguise for a secret agent than that of a courtesan?

Lily Dawson, dubbed the Countess of Charm, is a spy working for the Crown to uncover a traitor.

Andrew Booth-Payne, Earl of Darlington, wants to hate Lily for taking up with his father, but something about Lily intrigues him.

When he discovers there is more to her flirtation than greed, he knows he must help her uncover a traitor. Even if that traitor is his own father…

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |


 Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 copy of Enclave + Sapphires are an Earl's Best Friend

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a comment or question for Shana.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Shana Galen for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Hey, It's Shana!!! And yes, I'm surprise a YA dystopia novel has your favorite couple! And young ones for that matter!
    But then, we're human. We can't always be a tunnel and love one thing or assume someone has to love one thing because of what they do. :)

    But Deuce and Fade sounds like a really great team!

    1. Yes, it's me, kipha! You would love this series. I always read YA when I take a break from historicals.

  2. I love the Jewels of the Ton series I am looking forward to reading this.
    Great interview thanks for being here today!

  3. I own Enclave but never had a chance to read it, great choice anyway!

    1. Lily, you must read it now. It's an awesome SERIES. So many series are great at the beginning and fizzle at the end. Not this one.

  4. Never have heard of Enclave and now I am curious to read it. Love you books Shana!

  5. You are correct, I never would have expected that from you! I really don't read dystopian young adult stories but I do love your books!

    1. Thanks, Sue :-) I like to keep you on your toes.

  6. Between family, writing & research, do you get much time to read just for fun?

    1. Not really, Kim. I try and squeeze in 45-minutes to an hour before bed.

  7. Hi, Shana! So glad to see you here! I have never read a dystopian young adult story before. However, Enclave sounds good. Love your books and have been wanting to read SAPPHIRES ARE AN EARL'S BEST FRIEND. Thanks so much for this wonderful giveaway!

    1. Hi Cathy! Maybe you'll win and can give it a try. Good luck!

  8. I haven't read Enclave, yet. I would love to try it out!

  9. So many good books recommended it's just making my TBR pile taller.

    1. I know the feeling. Mine is like a shelf now!

  10. LOL! I love the nice organized list of why your favorite couple is your favorite. I don't find your choice surprising at all. It's a break from historicals for you. ;)

    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

    1. Exactly. I try not to read historicals while I'm writing new pages. This is a totally different thing.

  11. Had to put Enclave on my TBR list! If you are recommending it, it must be good!

    1. It also won a bunch of awards, so it's not just me!

  12. I haven't read either book, and would love to read them! Sapphires has such a gorgeous cover!

  13. Love your books Shana.. Have you ever thought about writing contemporary novels or is regency just your niche that you love?

    1. I have thought about it, Robin. I just don't have the time. I have historical contracts to keep me writing into 2016.

  14. Can't wait to continue the Jewels of the Ton series! I've watched The Hunger Games and Divergent and enjoyed them. I may have to try Enclave, too.

    1. I bet you'd like it, Mary. Thanks for stopping by.

  15. Loved the other two books in the Jewels series. Can't wait to dive into Sapphires!

  16. I'm so happy getting to meet a new author whose books I might like! Thanks again for the opportunity. Connie

  17. Love the Jewel series, Shana.

  18. I need to read both of these books!

  19. I like the sound of your favorites. They are new to me.

    1. Maybe you can give them a try. I bet you'd love at least one of them (or maybe win them).

  20. Enclave sounds like a great book. I also like all types of genres including YA, dystopian, historical and contemporary romance to name a few.

    1. I do too. It's fun to read widely. Keeps the creative juices flowing.

  21. Enclave sounds great! Haven't ventured into YA yet, I'm still a die-hard Historical Romance reader!

    1. This one has a bit of an historical feel. You might like it.

  22. Shana love The Spies series. Keep 'em coming!

    1. Thanks! Love and Let Spy will be out in August.

  23. I love Shana's books...well, the ones I've read. ;)

    1. Thank you! Thank you for reading ANY of them :-)

  24. These both sound like great reads!

  25. I'm not surprised about the YA reading. I read a variety of genres why wouldn't authors do so? I'm impatiently awaiting your next release!

    1. Thanks, Glenda. Exactly. I have to take a break from historicals or get burned out.

  26. I have not read either of these books yet. But I will. Thank you for sharing.

  27. I swear, you never fail to surprise, Shana! haha

    1. Oh, good! I like to keep things interesting :-)

  28. Very interesting descriptions of the stories.

  29. Thanks for the chance to win!
    These both sound like amazing reads!!

  30. I don't think I've read anything in that genre before. But 2,3 & 5 are most persuasive!

  31. Another book to be added to the TBR pile!

    1. I know! I've been reading the other authors' recommendations and my shelf is groaning!

  32. I"ve not read a dystopian novel before but it sounds like an interesting book. I have read the previous Jewels and really enjoyed them. Thanks Shana!

  33. I love Enclave! There are so many YA books that are just awesome, and I don't feel bad at all about reading them :D

  34. I haven't read YA in a long while but this new dystopian ones sound really interesting. And since you like this one and will give it a try ;)

  35. Hi Shana! What are your plans after the Jewels of the Ton? Any news you can share or is it top-secret still?

  36. I haven't heard of Enclave before but it sounds interesting. I have to admit YA books are not usually on my reading list but I may have to give this one a try. Thanks for the chance to win! :-)

  37. I'm with Anita above - are there any plans to continue the Jewels of the Ton beyond a trilogy? I've read the 1st two, and can't wait to read the third. I wanted to tell you that the book of yours that has touched me the most was Lord and Lady Spy. As someone who suffered multiple miscarriages, I felt you really understood what Sophia's mindset was.

  38. I read the first book enclave and like it. Didn't get a chance to read the follow up books....

    Sapphire is perfect... Love it.

  39. That series looks great - I'm going to check them out!

  40. I haven't read either of these. Thanks for the post and the chance to win! My son loves apocalyptic stories and is running through several books a week...we'll have to add Enclave to his list.

  41. Both books sound wonderful, I love a strong heroine and an exciting storyline.
    Ann S
