
Sunday, June 8, 2014

ARC Review: Before He Was Famous by Becky Wicks

Before He Was Famous was my first book by Becky Wicks, but I knew I had to read it. The blurb and cover instantly drew me in, and I'll be honest I was super excited to read Noah and Chloe's story. I am a huge fan of friends to lovers stories, and the fact that Noah is a rockstar just made this one all the more interesting to me. It was so good, and I really loved everything about this book! The writing style was fantastic, and the characters were so real to me. This one is a must read!

When Chloe gets the opportunity to work for a magazine as a blogger following her rockstar best friend on tour, she jumps at the chance. Noah and Chloe have been best friends since they were children and have always been really close. They spent one night together years before, but they have both moved on and never talk about it. Even though they are both attracted to each other and have feelings for one another, they are both seeing other people. With Noah's girlfriends and their jealousy as well as someone sending threatening notes to Chloe, do they stand a chance of exploring things between them? Can they possibly make a relationship work in a world of fame, jealousy and social media?

I really liked Noah. He was a hot rockstar that had won a reality show and was experiencing fame for the first time. But he was also this down to earth guy that was so easy to relate to. He wasn't arrogant or cocky, and he just wanted to be treated the same. He was so sweet with Chloe, and I really loved seeing them interact and fall even harder for each other. They were so adorable together, and you could tell that they just had this natural and undeniable connection. They had nicknames for each other and inside jokes, and you could really see how important they were to each other. They might not have always been around each other, but they were a huge part of each other's lives. I really liked Chloe as well. She was so supportive of Noah, even when it was painful to see him with other girls. She was always there for him. I also really liked that she was so normal. She wasn't a huge girly girl and she wasn't one that focused on angst and drama, and I really thought that her character was one that you would want to hang out with in real life. It was easy to see why Noah would want to be with her and why they were so close. I thought that they had amazing chemistry and it was so much stronger because of the emotional bond that they shared.

Overall, this book was fantastic! It was unique and different, and I can promise you that you have never read another NA book or rockstar book like this one. I really enjoyed everything about this story and it was so easy to get lost in. I could not put this one down and read it cover to cover without stopping for pretty much anything. I highly recommend this book, and I think it is one that everyone can find something to relate to. It is a beautiful story about friends falling in love with one another and struggling to take their feelings and turn it into something more. This is one that will stick with me, and that I know I will read many more times in the future. I can't wait to read more from Becky Wicks and look forward to seeing what she comes up with next.

**ARC Provided by Author**

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