
Thursday, June 5, 2014

ARC Review: Possessed by a Warrior by Sharon Ashwood

The Company of the Dead has Four Horsemen: Death, Plague, Famine, and War. Someone is trying to kill Jack Anderson (Death). He makes an urgent call to Sam Ralston (War), but it’s too late. Both Jack and Sam are vampires. Sam is the executor of Jack’s estate. Jack’s niece, Chloe, was told to trust Sam. Fat chance. First thing she doesn’t trust is the story surrounding Jack’s death. Drunk driving billionaire crashed his car into a tree. He didn’t drink and loved his car almost as much as Chloe. She’s a wedding planner and heir to what’s locked in his wall safe. A gorgeous wedding dress, encrusted with diamonds, is her property. It’s been stolen from the Kingdom of Marcari. Chloe recognizes the designer of the dress as a woman who has been murdered. The same night, someone breaks in the house and tries to steal the dress. Chloe is attacked and Sam comes to her rescue. He calls in the other Horseman to protect the dress and figure out what to do next. Chloe is determined to find out what happened to Jack and not fall in love with Sam. And who or what are these men, claiming to be Jack’s friends? In the midst of all this, Chloe has to plan a wedding which can make or break her career. An old picture in Sam’s room reveals his former life and love to her. Plus his old friend decides to crash the wedding, with a weapon and without a gift. Will Chloe survive long enough to become a vampire and live undead happily ever after?

I like Chloe. She takes his blood sucking status in stride. Many weird things have happened since her parents’ deaths, nothing surprises her. She wants to be independent and make her business a success. Having Sam join her journey adds chaos and calm to her life.

Sam is a true alpha hero. He declares himself her bodyguard and means it in every sense of the word. He was a soldier in his former life and brings that vibe forward. His confidence in his teammates and mentor is shaken, but he pushes through to find the truth. His bond to Jack and devotion to Chloe are real.

The concept of the story isn’t new, but the author offers a fresh look. The men are loners who are assigned missions and carry them out. The women in their lives have to accept it. When the men question the price of their jobs, it’s because of love. A lesson true in real life too.

**ARC provided by Author**

Purchase: Amazon | Kindle | B&N |


  1. This sounds like a great read and I love the cover!
