
Friday, August 22, 2014

ARC Review: Convicted by Dee Tenorio

Convicted is all about how you find love in the least likely places with Cade and Katy. Life is what happens to the best laid plans. Katy is deep undercover DEA agent in her hometown trying to dismantle the MC and their drug ring. Cade Evigan retired marine is suffering from PTSD and coping poorly but is willing to help his friend out and become Deputy is a small town over run by a MC. Cade fights his attraction to the woman he believes is involved in the criminal activities but she just keeps coming back and instilling herself in his life, months pass and he realizes he likes having her in his life. Katy is working both sides feeding information to her handler in the DEA and pretending to work Cade for information. Katy finally gets the break she needs to take down the MC but she needs Cade’s help. Katy and Cade help Shana escape the abusive leader of the club and turn over state evidence against him. Katy and Cade have very good dynamics, the potential they have in a relationship is obvious if only they would just admit it but with Katy being undercover she can’t tell him things and with that keeping them from being together leads to some serious sexual tension that when they finally give in, it’s explosive, hot and dirty.

I enjoyed reading it and it pulled me into the story and tied me up emotionally as Cade and Katy dealt with their issues and other complications beyond their control like Cade’s PTSD, internal corruption of the local Sheriff department, and the MC crazies being the criminals they are. The events in the book kept me at the edge of my seat and it all leads up to the explosive ending and a HEA.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N |


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