
Wednesday, October 1, 2014

ARC Review: Inevitable Detour by S.R. Grey

Inevitable Detour is the first book in S.R. Grey's Inevitable Duology. The second part, Inevitable Circumstances is said to be coming in the spring of 2015. I was hoping when I started this one that even though it was part one that part two would be about interconnected characters, but that is not the case. Inevitable Detour does end with a cliffhanger, and will continue the story in the next part. While I knew going into this one that there could be that chance, I really wanted to read this one because it sounded good and because I have read some of S.R. Grey's other books and I really loved them. I enjoy her writing style, and couldn't wait to get more of her stories.

Essalin Brant has always lived according to what her parents want her to do. She goes to college in a small town and studies what they want her to. The bright spot in everything is her best friend and roommate Haven. Essalin longs to spend the summer in NYC with Haven and finally meet her older brother Farren, who she has been fantasizing about since the first time she saw his picture. Her parents have told her she can't go and must spend the summer taking classes that she doesn't need at her small college. But when Haven goes missing and Farren shows up at her apartment, Essalin decides it is finally time to do something other than what her parents want. She is determined to help Farren find Haven, and sets out on a trip across country with him. As Essalin begins to learn more about what happened to Haven, she also begins to get to know Farren and things between them quickly begin to change between them. Farren tells her that he can make no promises, but Essalin is open to whatever she can get from him and is determined to finally start living her own life for once. 

I really liked both Essalin and Farren. Essalin comes off a bit weak at first because of how she lets her parents essentially run her life for her, but as the story progressed I really liked how she grew and changed. Once she had made the decision to live her life, she was a completely different person. She was stronger, and I loved her loyalty to Haven. She knew going in that it could be dangerous, but she was so dedicated to helping find her. I thought that Farren was really great for her as well, and I think that he was able to help her bring out a whole other side that she hadn't before. Farren was sweet and patient with Essa, and I thought that he was great for taking things slowly with her. He did really nice things for her, and I loved watching them get to know one another. These two just fit together, and it was clear that their mutual attraction had grown into so much more. Their connection was natural and undeniable, and I loved how real and believable they were.

I will say that it took me awhile to get into this story. I am not sure why, but when I was first beginning it just wasn't holding my attention. I thought it was slow and I got worried about whether or not I would be able to finish let alone like it. But then it suddenly changed and picked up. Once it did, I could not put this book down! I am so glad that I stuck with it, because I really loved Essa and Farren. This book really did a great job of perpetuating a believable suspense plot while also giving the reader the growing romance between Essa and Farren. I felt like S.R. Grey did well keeping you interested in what was going on with Haven and her abduction, but also the feelings and emotional bond developing between Essa and Farren. It was a great balance, and I thought that it was really well done. I honestly can't wait to see what happens next and how everything turns out. This story is far from over, and I for one can't wait to get my hands on the next book. If you are a fan of romantic suspense, I would highly recommend giving this one a shot!

**ARC Provided by Xpresso Book Tours**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |


  1. Great review, Casey! I like the sounds of this one and the characters' names are really pretty! I love Essalin! And she sounds like a wonderful character too with a lot of character growth throughout the book which is fantastic!

  2. I'm glad to know from your review that this first book continues in book two. The synopsis really makes the story sound interesting, and one I might enjoy. Knowing it doesn't tie things up in the end won't keep me from reading it, but I might not hurry right out to get it. I find that too often I never get back to a second book to find out the end of the story -- it's better if I can have them both together.
    I'm definitely a fan of romantic suspense, so I do want to eventually read Essalin and Farren's story.

  3. Thank you for taking part in the blog tour! :)
