
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

ARC Review: Tempting the CEO by Angela Claire

Tempting the CEO is the first book that I have ever read by Angela Claire and I had no idea what to expect when starting this one. I really enjoy Entangled Publishing's Brazen line though and the blurb really sold me on this story. While I did enjoy parts of this story, I felt that overall this one just didn't deliver on the promise of what could have been a really good story. This one was really short and I think that was a lot of the problem for me.

When Angie finds herself locked out of her hotel room in nothing but a towel, her sexy neighbor offers to help her out. The attraction between them is instant and they decide to give in to their passion. But Angie leaves the next morning before they ever exchange any information on who they really are. When Angie shows up to her business meeting, she is shocked to find out that they CEO of the company trying to buy her client's business is none other than the guy she spent the previous night with. Jed wants to spend more time with Angie in bed, but Angie is determined to keep things professional now that she knows who he is. But Jed isn't willing to give up easily and is determined to get Angie to spend more time with him.

I liked Jed. He was sexy and in control, he was used to getting his way and didn't want to take no for an answer. He was funny and charming, and I really liked how relentlessly he pursued Angie. Angie on the other hand was hard for me to warm up to. She ran hot and cold, and I just was never able to connect with her character. I kept waiting for things to click with her and they just never did. While I felt the attraction between Angie and Jed, I never was able to really see the emotional connection between the two of them. I felt like their relationship was too rushed and that we just didn't get to see the feelings develop between them. I wanted to see more of them together, rather than Angie fighting it so much. She seemed to constantly change her mind on what she wanted, and it felt like a switch would just randomly flip and it was hard to keep track of what was going on with her.

I did however like the playfulness between Jed and Angie, and they did seem to hit it off right away. I just wanted to see more and see something deeper for them. I also had a tough time with the ending and felt like it was pretty abrupt. It just felt unfinished and I wanted more. While this book was a quick and easy read, I just wasn't wowed with the story. I thought that it was good not great, and wasn't anything new or memorable to me. I also felt like it didn't pack the normal amount of heat that I have come to enjoy and expect from the Brazen line. If you are looking for a short story with a bit of steam and some witty moments, you might consider giving this one a shot. But if you are looking for a strong emotional connection and commitment, this one might not be for you.

**ARC Provided by Entangled Publishing**

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N |


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