
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

ARC Review: A Hope and a Chance by Jennifer Foor

A Hope and a Chance is the first book that I have ever read by Jennifer Foor, and I really enjoyed it! This definitely will not be the last book I read of hers, and I can't believe that I had never read anything by her before. I really liked the characters and I enjoyed Jennifer Foor's writing style a lot. 

Hope is struggling with everything in her life being turned upside down. Her father has returned to town with his young girlfriend and has reached out to her. But things get off on the right foot, and Hope finds herself needing to get out. She ends up meeting Chance, her father's girlfriend's brother and he rescues her from a bad situation. Soon they meet again, and the sparks continue to fly between them. They know that their situation is complicated, but no matter how hard they try they can't fight what is between them. But they both know that no one can find out about them, or it will ruin things before they ever really start. Can Hope and Chance find a way to make things work until the obstacles standing in their way are finally removed?

I liked Hope and Chance. They were both great characters and I loved how normal they were. They were easy to like and root for, and you could tell that their feelings were deep and true. I loved the attraction and chemistry between them, and it was clear right from the start. But I also loved the undeniable emotional connection that these two had. They really understood each other and were so supportive and encouraging. They were always there for one another, and the love they shared was so believable. Hope really needed someone after everything that she had been through, and Chance was perfect for her. But Hope was also so great with Chance, and she never once doubted him even after he told her everything that he had been running from. She was always right there by his side and would do whatever it took to show others what a great guy he was.

I really enjoyed seeing these two work through everything that came their way, and the one thing that never changed was their devotion to the other. There was a ton of drama surrounding them, but their feelings and commitment never wavered. I will say that this book felt a bit slow at times, and was a bit long. But I really loved these two, so I found myself staying interested enough to keep reading through those parts. I wish that we would have been given a bit more of their relationship after everything happened at the end of the book, and see a little more of their future together. But the author did mention a novella coming featuring these two, so I am hoping to get more of their HEA in that. I definitely recommend this book if you are a new adult fan. I think these characters are easy to relate to and I think a lot of readers will really enjoy their story.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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