
Saturday, December 13, 2014

ARC Review: Enforce by Rachel Van Dyken

I am such a fan of Rachel Van Dyken's at this point, and Eagle Elite is by far one of my most favorite series ever. So when I found out that she was writing Elite from the boys' POV, I honestly could not wait. I had no idea that I could love this series or the first book more than I already did until after I finished Enforce. Rachel Van Dyken is a genius, and I loved seeing the Elect like never before. I honestly cannot recommend this series enough, and if you aren't reading this series you are seriously missing out. This series is one of those that every book is as good as the last one and they are all must read stories.

I really loved seeing everything from the guys' POV. Yes if you have read Elite, you will know everything that happens in this book. While the base of the story might be the same though, you really get so much more with Enforce. You get to see what each of the guys were going through, and I thought it really gave this series even more depth. Enforce really showed a ton of insight into each of the men, and I loved getting inside their heads. With Chase, we really got to see his struggles. He was constantly fighting himself on his loyalty to family and his friendships, while also dealing with his growing feelings for Trace. I really had no idea just how deep his feelings went until reading this book. Yes with his book, Entice, we were given a lot more of him. But with Enforce we got to see how everything began, and just how long he felt the way he did. With Nixon, I felt like we got to know him so much better here. The thing I loved most about getting more of Nixon, was seeing more of his vulnerable side. In Elite, we mostly saw the rough side of him and didn't get to see his true feelings until things started to play out. But with Enforce you really got a sense of his feelings right away, and the love and connection he had with Trace. Their history went so far back, and I really enjoyed seeing how he cared for her all those years before and in the present as they found each other again. I had no idea just how much he felt for her and how much he had thought of her over the years.
I also really enjoyed getting to see more of Tex and the beginning of things between him and Mo. I loved his book as I have all the books in this series, but up until then we really didn't get to see much of who he truly is. I felt like with Enforce we did, even if it wasn't a lot. I liked seeing how smart he was and how he was constantly working to keep things right between all the guys. He was really the glue that seemed to hold them all together, and I found it interesting since we didn't really see much of that the first time around. I have to say the one I was kind of skeptical about was Phoenix. I didn't care much for him after everything that he had done, but starting with Entice, I started to change my mind about him. Seeing everything that he was going through in Elite though, really offered so much more to the readers in terms of what had made him do the horrible things he did. I will admit that after reading this book, I am more curious than ever to get his story. He has been through a lot, and I am really rooting for him to find some redemption.

Overall, I really have to say that this was a fantastic addition to the series! I had always wondered what was going on behind the scenes at the beginning of this series, and I thought that Rachel Van Dyken really delivered here. This book might have had the same plot and storyline, but it was definitely not the same as Elite. Enforce had a ton of things that we have never heard or seen before, and I am so glad that Rachel Van Dyken wrote this book. If you are a fan of the series, this book is an absolute must read. I honestly think that you can't go wrong with anything by Rachel Van Dyken, but the Eagle Elite series is beyond brilliant. This series is one that has something for everyone, and I know that each time I pick up one of these books that I am going to love it. Rachel Van Dyken delivers every time, and I am already dying for the next Eagle Elite book.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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