
Tuesday, March 10, 2015

ARC Review: One Last Song by S.K. Falls

I have been trying to put into words what I feel after reading One Last Song by S.K. Falls, and I find myself struggling. My thoughts are all over the place with this book because there were things that I liked and disliked with this book. I will say that this book wasn't what I had been expecting, and while the blurb did give you some of what this book is about it really didn't even begin to scratch the surface on what this book is. The one thing I can definitely say though is that this book will not be for everyone, and honestly I think it is one that each reader will have to give a shot in order to decide if it is for them or not. Please be aware that this book was previously released under the name Secret For A Song, but has since been gone through and revamped. 

When she was seven years old, Saylor discovered that she could get her mother's attention by making herself sick. Otherwise her parents pretty much ignored her the rest of the time. Growing up she started looking for ways to make herself sick enough that they would give her attention, but not sick enough to really hurt or kill herself. She finally moved out on her own, but after another incident her mother made her return home and quit college. Looking for something more her therapist recommended that she find something to fill her time which is how she met Drew. Drew and Saylor instantly clicked and began spending time together. Their feelings for one another grew, and Saylor found herself feeling whole and happy for the first time in her life. But Drew has no idea what she has always done to herself or the truth about how they really came to meet. Though Saylor is finally doing better and wants to move forward with Drew, what will happen when the truth is finally revealed? 

I loved Drew. He was sweet and caring, and I felt so badly for the situation he was in. He was always so supportive and loving with Saylor, and he really tried to always be there for her. I hated the fact that she was lying to him when he was offering so much to her without asking for anything in return. He never pushed with her, and I loved that he was able to give her such patience and trust. He definitely didn't deserve what he was getting in return. Saylor was a hard one for me to connect with. I didn't understand her at all as I have never been in a situation like hers. I could see that she clearly had issues, and I felt like a lot of it wasn't her fault. She was sick and didn't seem to be able to help herself, and a lot of that was the fault of her parents. They didn't seem to really care about her except when she inconvenienced them and embarrassed them. I liked who she started to become with Drew, and it was good to see her getting better. But she had so many times that she could have been honest and opened up to him, and that is why I felt like I just couldn't ever really get behind her. She chose not to be honest and to continue the charade. 

One Last Song was different from anything I have ever read before, and it was heartbreaking and emotional. This book left me raw and unsure of how to feel. While I liked Drew a lot, I felt as though this book was mostly about Saylor. While there was some romance and Drew and Saylor were building a relationship, this book really centered around Saylor and her struggles. I wanted her to lean on Drew more and really allow him in. While the ending was good and I liked it, I also felt like it was pretty rushed and left a lot to the imagination. I don't care for things to be left so open with a standalone story, and I really wanted to see a bit more down the line for these characters. While we did get an ending, I felt like it was sort of bittersweet. I would have loved to have been given a bit more of these characters and what happened next. I really cannot say whether I would recommend this book or not, because honestly I feel like this is one that you just have to read and see for yourself. I will say that some of the things that Saylor did to herself were a bit gross to me and made me squirm. Those parts were hard for me to get through, but I felt like I had to see this one through.

**ARC Provided by Forever (Grand Central Publishing)**

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