
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Review: Coda by CD Reiss

I really didn't want to write a review of this book because I know I can't express what this book means in this pitiful little box of letters and symbols. I feel like I owe CD Reiss this review because even though I paid $2.99 for this book, I got so much more in return, I owe her.

I have had the misfortune of picking up books written by some of my favorite authors that purported to conclude series for which we thought we had already read the conclusion. To be honest, most of them have felt like afterthoughts and have been insulting in their apparent financial motivation and disregard for the readers. I love Reiss' writing, I have loved it from the first page of the first book I read by her but I still had reservations. My reservations were proven to be without cause.

This book was written as if it were always a part of Jon and Monica's story. Nothing about it felt thrown together for the sake of financial gain. In fact every piece of this book seemed like it was bled from Reiss' veins on to the page. The book felt like it was birthed, not just written.

I am a highly critical reader and I have a disturbingly short attention span so you can believe me when I tell you, these five stars I'm giving this book don't really approach how agonizingly good it was. While I was reading it I was asking myself 'How do you conceive of sex and intimacy in this way? How do you make words breathe?' How, how, how does CD Reiss do it? I don't know. I don't care. I'm here for it. Give me hope, break my heart, make me laugh and then make me cry, I'm here for it. Fu-k a book, this was a work of art.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes |


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