
Thursday, April 16, 2015

ARC Review: Ricochet: Extraction Point by Heather C. Leigh

Extraction Point is the third and final installment of the Ricochet Serial by Heather C. Leigh. These are not standalones, and should be read in order to properly understand this story. In Extraction Point we get to see the conclusion to Rick and Quinn's story, and I couldn't wait to see what would happen for these two after the cliffhangers and first two installments. 

Extraction Point picks up where Friendly Fire left off, and Rick has just learned of the past that Quinn has been keeping from him. As he sets out to find out what happened to Quinn, he also must make sure that he finds a way to keep her safe. Not only has Rick come to care about her, but his whole team has as well. She has become one of them, and they will do whatever it takes to look out for their own. 

I enjoyed seeing even more of Rick's protective side in this installment. We have seen his growing feelings and his struggles with how to deal with them, but this is the first time that we really get to see just how far he would go for her. There is no question of his feelings in this book for him or those around him. I liked seeing him so alpha in this book, but I was glad that he had his teammates to help ground him. I understand he was going through a lot, but he really needed their support and friendship. Quinn honestly annoyed me in this book. I understood that she had been through a ton and didn't like feeling as though she was under lock and key with babysitters. But she also didn't seem to grasp how serious the situation was and she did some dumb things. I thought that Quinn and Rick had a lot of chemistry and they just seemed to get even hotter as they explored more of the passion between them. 

I do feel like we got to see more of Quinn's back story in this installment, and I was really glad that we got that. I felt like that had been missing in the previous two parts. I still feel as though we didn't get to know Rick as well though. I wanted to dig deeper with him and see what was beneath the surface, and unfortunately I just don't feel like we really got that. While I did like him and Quinn together, I guess I had just been hoping for more depth to their relationship as well as for them as individuals. I think that this was a good end to the serial, and I was glad about how things ended. There were some really good parts along the way, and I especially enjoyed seeing Quinn strong and happy at the end. It was good to see her take back some of what she had lost, and to see her enjoying her life again. I just wish that there had been a bit more character development, rather than just the suspense plot. I would be interested in getting more of Rick's hot team members though, and I hope that Heather will write stories for them. I think they were interesting and added a lot to this story.

**ARC Provided by TRSOR Promotions**

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