
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

RFTC Hall Pass Event with Anna Campbell

ANNA CAMPBELL has written ten multi award-winning historical romances for Grand Central Publishing and Avon HarperCollins and her work is published in sixteen languages. Anna is currently engaged in writing the "Sons of Sin" series, which started in 2012 with SEVEN NIGHTS IN A ROGUE’S BED. Look out for book 4, A SCOUNDREL BY MOONLIGHT, in April 2015. Anna lives on the beautiful east coast of Australia where she writes full-time.

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Hi romance mavens! Hi Dani! Thanks so much for having me on your blog today. I always enjoy your events – you come up with the most creative themes!

With this particular theme, I feel like a bit of a fraud. I had to ask Dani to explain what a hall pass was! We don’t really use the term in Australia – or not as far as I’m aware. Anyway, she said it’s picking a few book boyfriends – and I’m always more than happy to do that!

Except it’s hard to stick to just five. So I thought I’d go with four relatively recent book boyfriends and one who comes a bit out of left field. And I’ve stuck to good guys – I love reading about those wild bad boys, but if I’m allowing some man to stamp all over my corridors, I want him to have some manners!

1. Brooks Gleason from THE WITNESS by Nora Roberts ( I’ve been on a major Nora kick for the last year and I think my favorite book out of all that reading is her romantic suspense from 2012, THE WITNESS. Brooks is the police chief of a small town in the Ozarks and he’s a classic Nora Roberts hero. A man of courage and strong principles who is capable of reading between the lines to find the truth and who is prepared to take on the challenge of an unconventional heroine. Elizabeth, the heroine, has really compelling reasons not to get involved with any man – but Brooks proves irresistible, to her and to the reader.

2. Asim, Sultan of Jazeer, from THE SULTAN’S HAREM BRIDE by Annie West ( I love all Annie West’s heroes. She can write a man who’s a straight arrow and still make him edgy and sexy, quite a feat. Her January 2015 release is the first of a duo about royals seeking their perfect match; the other is THE SHEIKH’S PRINCESS BRIDE. The all-powerful ruler of his desert kingdom, Asim takes his responsibilities seriously, and one of those responsibilities is choosing the ideal queen, well-bred, quiet, obedient. The problem is he finds himself increasingly attracted to Aussie Jacqui Fletcher who is none of those things, but who excites him as no other woman ever has. I love a guy who finds himself pulled off course when he falls in love, and that’s the gorgeous Asim in spades.

3. David Ferris from LICK by Kylie Scott ( I’m not alone in falling madly in love with the broodingly sexy guitarist from the Stage Dive series. While he might look like a bad boy on the outside (and he’s definitely got the zing of a bad boy), David is just lovely, sweet and romantic and really intriguing. I dare you not to fall in love with him as he falls in love with unlikely heroine Evelyn.

4. Here’s my left-field one – Ramses from the Amelia Peabody series by Elizabeth Peters ( This marvelous series of 19 historical mysteries with big dollops of romance started publishing in 1975 with CROCODILE ON THE SANDBANK, the story of how Ramses’ parents met and married. Ramses is basically gorgeous and ever so slightly superhuman. He’s so clever and so adept at derring-do and so passionate. He starts out as an eccentric but very endearing child and grows into a true hero who hides a deep well of emotional vulnerability behind a careless, aristocratic façade. He’s a man of action and a brilliant scholar and a steadfast, if tormented lover. Pretty much the guy I want wandering my hallways!

5. My last one was my book crush for the first half of last year when I wrote A SCOUNDREL BY MOONLIGHT. Falling in love with our heroes is an occupational hazard, but I must say I tumbled hard for James Fairbrother, the Marquess of Leath, He’s another straight as an arrow guy, despite the title and what awful things our heroine believes of him when they meet. I love stories about honor versus desire, they always offer such turbulent, powerful emotions. James has every reason not to fall in love with mysterious housemaid Nell Trim, but that of course doesn’t stop him. I adore how Leath surrenders so wholeheartedly to his grand passion (eventually), despite the way it risks everything he’s ever worked toward achieving. You can read an excerpt on my website here.

So there’s my five book boyfriends. Now for the good news – one lucky winner, international, will get to meet Leath when he’s published on 28th April. That lucky winner also gets to choose one of the other books I’ve listed (although Ramses isn’t in CROCODILE ON THE SANDBANK, it’s the first in the series, so that’s what I’m offering as a prize). Please mention when you comment, which book you’d like to win along with A SCOUNDREL BY MOONLIGHT.

Just tell me your favorite nice guy hero and you’ll go in the draw!

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Amazon - B&N

Anything can happen in the moonlight...

Justice. That's all Nell Trim wants - for her sister and for the countless other young women the Marquess of Leath has ruined with his wildly seductive ways. Now she has a bold plan to take him down... as long as she can resist the scoundrel's temptations herself.

From the moment Nell meets James Fairbrother, the air positively sizzles. Yet for all his size and power, there's something amazingly tender in his touch. Could he really be such a depraved rogue? The only way to find out is to beat the devil at his own game... one tempting kiss at a time.

Check out the Sons of Sin series:

 Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 Print copy of A Scoundrel by Moonlight + print copy of Book of Choice from Hall Pass List

To Enter: 
  • Just tell me your favorite nice guy hero and you’ll go in the draw!
  • Please leave your book choice and email address along with your comment to be entered into the giveaway.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Anna Campbell for sponsoring this giveaway.


  1. I'm going to go old school with this one and say that Mr. Darcy is my favorite nice guy hero! Sure he's a little prickly, but a nice guy to the core nevertheless and definitely hero-type.

    1. Actually I think Mr. Darcy is the king of nice guy heroes - he really comes to the party when Lizzie needs him, doesn't he? Great choice!

  2. Alex Montgomery from Annie's Song by Catherine Anderson. I just love him so much even though there were a few scenes that got me mad at him but he is just a sweetheart.

    1. Sandy, I haven't read that one. Clearly I need to. I think getting mad with the hero is par for the course in these books - as long as he redeems himself at the end.

  3. hard to think of the fave "good guy" hero (gotta love those bad boys after all) but Fane from Blood Assassin comes to mind first. he's just one big sweetie at heart. Thanks for the contest chance (i'll go w/ Nora Roberts Witness from your list, gamistress66-at-aol-dot-com)

    1. Hi Gamistress. I haven't read that one either. If he's the Blood Assassin of the title, that's an unusual good guy, LOL! Witness is great!

  4. Hi Anna, what a great list, and of course I'm utterly thrilled that you included Asim from 'The Sultan's Harem Bride' there. Wow! What terrific company to be in! :)

    I've just started 'A Scoundrel by Moonlight' and am loving it, especially Leath. I can't wait to see what happens as he falls for the delightful Miss Trim! It's a bit of a nuisance, needing to write my own book when I want to read yours.

    Isn't Ramses fun? And of course so is Emerson, his father. I still have a major soft spot for him. Finding it hard to narrow it down to one good guy though Rupert Carsington in Mr Impossible is on the short list. And how about your gorgeous Matthew from 'Untouched'? Now there was a good guy too!

    1. Annie, I loved, loved, loved Asim. One of your best heroes - and that's saying something. So glad you're enjoying Scoundrel. Oh, I know that horrible feeling when you want to curl up with a good book and the world won't let you. Great choice of good guys. I picked Rupert as my book boyfriend here last year so I thought I"d give him a break. Matthew! You're right - definitely a good guy hero.

  5. Hi Anna

    You know one of my most favourite heroes is Gideon from Anne Gracie's The Perfect Rake he is just awesome what can I say and I am very much looking forward to getting to know James from your new one Anna and I too love Asim :) and I would love either Nora Roberts or Elizabeth Peters

    Have Fun

    1. Helen, great choice of books. Yes, Gideon is great fun, isn't he? And Asim made my heart beat faster! Hope you enjoy meeting James!

  6. The nice guy who first came to mind was Brady Maxwell from K. A. Linde's Record Series. He is a political candidate who is honest and just wants to truly help people. He is also tall, dark and very sexy!

    1. I forgot to put the other book I'd want to try is Nora Robert's Witness. Haven't read that one yet.

    2. Sue, I've never heard of those books. Clearly I need to check them out. I love a sexy good guy!

    3. It is a 3 story series and all three have been released. Great writing, great characters and great story. It shows you the world behind a political campaign. The writer actually worked on a political campaign before and I found that really interesting.

    4. I love Roarke from the In Death series by JD Robb.There are so many men to choose from. :) I'd choose The Witness by Nora Roberts.
      Carol L
      Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

  7. I'd have to go with Raoden from Elantris by Brandon Sanderson. It's a fantasy book with a love story. He is just so determined to help everyone and to always try to make the situation better.
    (Crocodile on the Sandbank by Elizabeth Peters and britney(dot)nicole(dot)d@gmail(dot)com). Thanks so much for hosting the giveaway!

    1. Bryher, I'm discovering so many great books in this blog. I've never heard of that one either. Clearly I need to check it out.

  8. My nice guy hero is Clayton, Duke of Westmoreland from Judith McNaught's Whitney, My Love. He adores Whitney and his pursuit of her is sweet. Would love to also read Annie West's book.
    Thanks for the chance!

    Evelina Ho

    1. Evelina, at one stage, I was absolutely obsessed with Whitney My Love - I must have read it about 100 times! Great choice!

  9. Oh, yes, I'm with you, I LOVE Ramses from the Amelia Peabody book!

    Make Kay
    Ekaf2022 AT gmail (dot) com

    1. MK, he's just such a wonderful character, isn't he? I loved him as a kid (although if he was mine in real life, I would have bought ear plugs) and he's the most wonderful adult!

  10. Styxx from Dark Hunter Series by Sherrilyn Kenyon - he has one of the biggest heart,and so pure soul,I love,love him!
    One quote from this book:
    “The most beautiful heart of all is the one that can still love even while it bleeds, and especially after its been broken into thousands of pieces.”

    Thank you Anna for sharing your favorite heroes :)

    1. And Lick by Kylie Scott is my choice from the books :)

    2. What a lovely quote, Bube! I can see why you love him.

  11. Cosmo Richter from Suzanne Brockmann's Hot Target :) Thanks for the fun post! I haven't read THE SULTAN’S HAREM BRIDE or Lick so I'm definitely adding to my wantlist now. Congrats on the upcoming release!

    1. Erin, how fantastic that you've discovered both these books - they're both fantastic! You'll love them. I haven't read Suzanne for a while. Must go back to her.

  12. Congratulations on the new release. Any of Julie James' heroes are nice guys.

    I purchased Annie West's book, but I haven't had a chance to read it yet. So I'll choose The Witness instead.


    1. Hi Kim! You'll love Annie's book - don't miss out on the Sheikh's Princess Bride too. It's about Asim's sister and it's lovely. Oh, you're so right about Julie James! Great choice.

  13. All the heroes from Courtney Milan's books. I love her heroes!
    I'd like a copy of Annie West's book please.

    1. Linda, good choice. Yes, Courtney writes a lovely hero, doesn't she?

  14. Oh there are so many I can't just pick one but I do love all the men from Maya Banks highlanders.

    1. Lori, you can't do better than a Highlander, can you? Great choice!

  15. I've been reading Nora's In Death series over the last year so I'll have to name Roarke - he's always doing something nice for his & Eve's friends and I love that he has opened shelters for women & young people. I haven't read 'The Witness' yet, so I would pick that one.

    1. forgot to leave my email - sallans d at yahoo dot com

  16. Hi Anna! I love Brian Newburgh from The Story Guy by Mary Ann Rivers. He was such a good guy, but the boy knew how to kiss! ;)

    I'd love to win a copy of Lick by Kylie Scott. Thanks for the chance.

    Marcy Shuler

    1. Thanks, Marcy. Ooh, another book I don't know. The TBR pile will be groaning at this rate.

  17. I think one of my favorites are the MacKenzies by Jennifer Ashley. I find that I can always go back to them. Great list that you have, I am going to check them out. I can't wait to read about Leath!
    I think I would like to read the Ameila Peabody series, thanks for the chance.

    1. Sheryl, I'm saving the very last Amelia Peabody - so sad that she passed away last year and there won't be any new adventures with the Emerson family and the gorgeous Ramses. I've got one of Jennifer Ashley's mysteries on my Kindle as we speak. Looking forward to reading it.

  18. Hi Anna! Right now I'm reading Gina Conkle's Meet the Earl at Midnight and I've really fallen for her hero Lord Edward Greenwich.

    1. Glenda, what a great title for a historical! I must check it out.

  19. Having just read SENSE AND SENSIBILITY I have to go for Col. Brandon.

    I have not read THE WITNESS by Nora Roberts yet


    1. I love Colonel Brandon, especially in his Alan Rickman incarnation, Mary. Great choice. The Witness is GREAT!

  20. Congrats on the new release! My favorite good guy hero is Devil Cynster...Love him :)
    I would love Nora Roberts


    1. Joy, you can't go wrong with Nora, can you? Great choice on your fave good guy hero.

  21. I love reading your books :)
    I really enjoy most heroes but my fave are the tortured souls who hide it with there casual, carefree lifestyles but they really hide a man with a big heart :)

    1. Lori, interesting. I like them too - Richard in the second Sons of 'Sin book A RAKE'S MIDNIGHT KISS is just that sort of hero!

  22. Mr. Darcy

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  23. Mr.Darcy is one of my favorites.
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

    1. Great choice, Natasha! You're not alone in choosing him.

  24. Darn, my comment seems lost!

    Roarke! I love how he takes care of people he cares for. It's hard not to want one like him!

    Not sure if you're still taking entries but giving it a shot.

    My choice would be Crocodile on the Sandbank. I've read it but have been wanting my own copy.

    laurieire at hotmail dot com


    1. Hi Laurie! Actually I'm surprised you're the first person to pick Roarke. Mr. Darcy seems to be king of this particular question! Not too late at all!

  25. I am an huge Stage Dive fan, and David is definitely one of my favorite nice guy!!
    So my choice of book is LICK by Kylie Scott.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

    gemiinii90 at yahoo dot nl

  26. My favorite nice guy is Ryder Sherbrooke from the Sherbrooke Brides series by Catherine Coulter.
    Other book: What a Duke Dares

    1. Hi Molly! Oh, must read those! You've got me with the name alone!

  27. Colton Donovan from the Driven Trilogy by K Bromberg :)

  28. I am loving the Bennett brothers in Erin Nicholas's Sapphire Falls series!

  29. My favorite is Nate Peters from Enjoying the Chase by Kirsty Moseley. Thanks for the chance.
    Nicole Ortiz
