
Sunday, August 30, 2015

ARC Review: Beauty and the Bachelor by Naima Simone

Thank the Lord for Beauty and the Bachelor because I was on a bad book trip that I desperately needed off of. B&B delivered several of things that I live for in a book: HAWT sex, a love-hate-super steam romance, and all the revenge and intrigue my heart could handle. I was like yesss Ms. Simone, give it to us.

The actual story is about Lucas and Sydney. Lucas is a pretty straight forward guy, he doesn’t need a whole lot out of life, he just wants to decimate his father’s former best friend. So we learn that revenge isn’t just a bish, revenge can be an ice cold alpha male with a large chip on his shoulder and an even bigger…well, you see where this is headed. Of course Sydney, our heroine, happens to be the daughter of said former best friend and therefore the most logical inroad to exacting Lucas’ revenge. And this is where it gets really good, call me crazy (not to my face) but I love a marriage under duress storyline. So when Sydney marries Lucas because he coerces her into believing she has no choice, I started doing my happy dance (sorry Sydney but it worked for the book). Of course, Sydney and Lucas are intensely attracted to one another which adds a layer of tension to the story that will literally keep you on the edge of your seat and gripping your e-reader.

I absolutely loved the relationship between Sydney and Lucas. The two get sucked into this crazy vortex of deceit, blackmail, lies and other crazy ish. The question is whether they’re going to find their way through the madness together or if Lucas is going to stick to his original plan. The conflict is warm chocolate fudge delicious, the sexual attraction is white hot and lines are sufficiently blurred to make this a completely entertaining read.

This book has excellent character development and relationship building. You will feel like you really know Sydney and Lucas, you will understand their motivations and you will really want to see them together. This is one of those thin line books that constantly keeps you on the edge of love and hate and hate and passion. You read this book in one sitting because you have to know what happens next. If you need something good to break you out of a book funk, pick this up, thank me later.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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