
Saturday, October 31, 2015

ARC Review: Walk Through Fire by Kristen Ashley

This book left me with a massive book hangover! I have had quite a few books lately that were just okay, but Walk Through Fire woke me up and was fantastic. Kristen Ashley delivered all the feels in her newest installment to the Chaos series, and I couldn't have put this book down if you tried to force me. Millie and Logan's story was heartbreaking but beautiful and I absolutely loved it even when I they upset me. Walk Through Fire is one of those stories that will draw you in instantly and stay with you forever. 

Millie Cross and Logan Judd fell in love almost instantly and knew that they belonged together. They had their life all planned out and were working on making their dreams come true until Millie broke off the relationship and Logan made the choice to walk away. Now twenty years later, Millie has a chance encounter with Logan and is finally ready to face everything that caused her to lose the only man she has ever loved. At first Logan wants nothing to do with Millie, except to maybe get a little revenge for the hurt she caused him. But when Logan learns the truth behind Millie's decision all those years ago, he must face that all the thought was true was actually something entirely different. Can Logan and Millie have a second chance at love twenty years after they first found each other, or will there have been too much between them to ever get back what they once lost? 

I really liked Logan and Millie together, and their connection was so rare and special. These two had spent so many years apart, and even when things were rough at the beginning it was clear just how deeply they felt for one another. Logan had tried to get on with his life and was able to find happiness in his daughters, though he never got the dream life he had planned with Millie. He thought that the Millie he knew was a complete lie, and you could see just how much that had torn him up for so long. But when the truth finally came it, it was even more devastating for him to find out just how far she had gone and all that she had given up for him. Millie was strong and such a beautiful person inside and out. Yet she made a choice that she should have talked to Logan about and changed their lives forever. I understand her reasoning behind the choice, but I didn't agree with it at all. Because of it Millie was just going through the motions, and while at first it looked like she had everything it was so obvious that she was actually living such a lonely and empty life. I was so glad that these two finally got to the point where they could talk about things, and I wish that they had been able to do it so much sooner. Time and distance hadn't changed the intense connection and chemistry that they always had, and the love between them had never gone away or dimmed. 

Overall, this story was so good. I didn't want it to end, and I was so invested in these characters. Their history was so much fun to see, and I loved that their connection was so quick yet was so real and believable. I enjoyed seeing how they met and fell in love, even when it broke my heart to see how things changed and broke them both. This book brought out so many emotions for me, and I definitely shed my fair share of tears. But Kristen Ashley has such a way with words and characters that I think it would be impossible to read any book of hers and not feel it. After I finished this book I just didn't want to move on and was incapable of reading anything immediately after. I was still so attached to Millie and Logan and I wanted to just dive back in and experience it all over again. If you are a fan of the Chaos series or Kristen Ashley this book is an absolute must read. If you are new to Kristen Ashley though, I highly recommend that you start here. Logan and Millie were impossible not to connect with and I think that so many readers will fall in love with them just like I did. I honestly can't wait to read more from Kristen Ashley, and I know that this won't be the only time I read Walk Through Fire.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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