
Monday, December 28, 2015

ARC Review: The Aftermath by R.J. Prescott

I couldn't wait to get more of Con and Emily after reading The Hurricane, so I was really excited when I found out about The Aftermath from R.J. Prescott. The Aftermath should be read after The Hurricane as it continues the story of Cormac O'Connell and Emily. There was a lot to enjoy here and it was good to see more of each of these characters. I hope that each of the guys get their own books as well as I am dying for more of Tommy, Kieran and Liam. 

Just as Cormac "The Hurricane" O'Connell's career is taking off, his and Emily's life together is threatened. Her past reappears and Con knows that he has to do whatever it takes to keep her safe. Though Con is willing to fight for his and Emily's future, he begins to realize that sometimes justice doesn't come in the form that you expect. Can he keep Em safe and protect their future together while also pursuing his career as a professional fighter, or will there be too much standing in his way of having it all? 

I absolutely loved Em and Con in The Hurricane, and nothing had changed here. Em was still strong and supportive and perfect for Con, while Con was still sexy and protective and willing to do whatever it took for his girl to be looked after. I love these two together, and I really can't imagine a couple more perfect for one another than these two were. They were sexy together and had more steam than ever before. Their connection just continued to grow stronger here and the more I saw of them, the more I fell in love with their relationship! These two are so solid, and I love the intense bond they share. 

The other thing I absolutely love about this series is the bond and camaraderie between the rest of the guys at the gym and how they have this tight family that they made. This isn't a bond based on blood, but it goes so much deeper than that. Family is what you make it, and it is clear throughout this series that these guys would go to the ends of the earth for Emily and each other. I can't get enough of them all and I need their books! The one thing that I will say is that there were times that things got a bit repetitive here and I found myself skimming a bit, especially when it came to Con's POV. I felt like things were being rehashed a bit, and I was a bit bored at times with parts of this story unlike how I couldn't put The Hurricane down. It was still a good story that I enjoyed a lot, but I felt like things got a bit too in depth at times when it came to the training and boxing, and I would have liked a bit less of all that. I really can't wait to read more from R.J. Prescott though and I am amazed that this is only her second book. I hope that we get more in this series, and these books are definitely ones worth checking out if you like sexy fighter stories.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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