
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

ARC Review: All That's Left to Hold Onto by Ella Fox

All That's Left to Hold Onto is my first Ella Fox book, but it won't be my last. I enjoyed this book a lot and I didn't want to put it down. I really liked the characters and had to know how things would play out here. This book is a standalone story with no cliffhanger, and it was so refreshing.  

Keely Carmichael had always had a crush on Ronan Sharpe, but when he left Colorado unexpectedly she figured she would never see him again. He needed to leave town and start over to leave his past behind and the horrible situation he grew up in. Five years later, Ronan gets called back though after starting over in Montana. When he gets back though, he finds that Keely is no longer the girl he remembers. Though Ronan wants Keely in a way he never did before, he struggles with his new feelings for her. The more time he spends with her though, the more he finds himself wanting a life with her. 

I really liked both Keely and Ronan. The chemistry between these two was so strong. Keely's feelings for Ronan had always been there, but his feelings were brand new. He didn't know how to deal with the desire he felt for her, and a lot of that was because of her age. There was a bit of an age difference here (I think it was 7 years) and she was 19. But she was so mature for her age, and she didn't seem to be as young as the number would typically imply. She was strong and smart, and had been on her own for a long time. She had overcome so much, and she worked hard for everything she had. Ronan had turned his life around as well and hadn't ever looked back. But when he returned home and came face to face with Keely, he seemed to realize just how much more he wanted. These two were great together, and I loved seeing them grow closer as they got to know the people they were now. Their connection just grew so much deeper as this book continued, but it was clear right from the start how easy and natural their bond had always been. 

Overall, this was a really good story and I am so glad that I read it. I will say that things seemed to be a bit too easy at times for them, considering the situation they found themselves in. There were some things that came up of course, but I would have expected for things to have been a bit more difficult in their situation in real life. The one thing that I never questioned though was the way they felt about one another and how much each of them wanted a future together. It was obvious that they belonged together, even with everything that they were facing. I will look for more from Ella Fox in the future, and I think that this is a good story for those that enjoy contemporary romance books about characters that can overcome even the hardest situations. While this book has characters that are new adult aged, it really felt like more of an adult contemporary to me. These characters were mature and smart, and they didn't feel young to me after everything.

**ARC Provided by TRSOR Promotions**

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