
Monday, December 14, 2015

ARC Review: Undeniably Asher by K.L. Kreig

This is my first book by this author and although it's the second book in the series, it's the first one I've read and I loved it!

If I had to sum up what I loved about this book, I could do it easily using one word, two syllables: Asher! I mean daaaaamn, what's a girl to do with a man like that running through the pages of her Kindle. The A in Asher is for ALPHA. Asher is a boss and THE boss and I was here for it. Everything from his dirty mouth, to his bossiness to his ability to declare exactly what was going to happen all worked for me. The thing about Asher that might put some people off is that he was intensely jealous, even in situations that did not warrant it. For me? Not a problem at all. I love the possessive boyfriend who growls every time another guy gets within 2 feet of his woman. Asher was like way over the top, he was even threatening his brothers but I still loved that about him.

Asher is Alyse's sister, Gray's, brother in law. Gray is married to Asher's brother (for those of you who need a little more help). Alyse and Asher have actually known one another for years. In fact, the background on that is a little bit sketchy. Asher first fell for Alyse when she was a young 17. Asher was 21 at the time and while something happened between them, the deal wasn't at all sealed. Alyse was kind of opened to all the possibilities love had to offer by Asher so when another older guy came along and swept her off her feet, ish started to get real messy. I don't want to give anything away about that because it turns out to be a very complex part of the story. I will say this though- WHOA!! What happened to Alyse as a teenager and how it impacted her later in life was kind of tragic. Alyse has the sense that everyone she loves leaves her and from her perspective, it's kind of true. What we find out as the book moves along and Alyse finds out too is that her perspective isn't always the right one. There are some big surprises in this book.

The connection between Alyse and Asher is intense and genuine from the first time we see them together.They are both carrying some major baggage that makes it difficult for them to trust but they want each other and they are what they need to heal. Because of the backgrounds of the main characters, they make some decisions that will honestly make you want to kick both of them in the knees. That is especially true about Alyse. Alyse was holding on too tight to the past and it started to irk me right before she pulled it together and finally moved on. The sex scenes make all the drama these two put you through totally worth it. Their chemistry is explosive and the descriptions will transport you to a place where it's very warm.

This is an entertaining novel with a great love story, some twists and turns to keep things interesting, complex characters and great dialogue. I highly recommend you give this a try. As soon as I was done reading this, I went back and purchased the first book in the series.

**ARC provided by Gossip Girls PR**

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N |


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