
Friday, November 11, 2016

ARC Review: Devil's Honor by Megan Crane

OK all you MC romance lovers, here is a pretty good one for you. Apparently this is going to be part 1 in a series about the Devil's Keepers MC. The first installment is Merritt and Greely's story.  This is kind of a second chance romance. Merritt and Greely first have a super hot relationship the summer before Merritt is set to leave the state for law school. Greely wants Merritt to stay with him in their small bayou town. Merritt has her sights set on becoming a part of "the big city" and not just being some small town girl. As intense as her relationship with biker bad boy Greely is, she still heads off to law school at the end of the summer.Greely is hurt/pissed and completely closes himself off after Merritt leaves. Merritt eventually returns to the small town when things go severely left in the big city.  She got everything she wanted but left behind everything she needed.

Merritt is the reason this book was not 5 stars for me. Greely is a bad ass biker who grunts and growls and would do anything to protect his woman. I instantly loved Greely and that didn't change as the book went on. But that Merritt....on the one hand, I really got where she was coming from. I could empathize with her wanting to live a more urban chic life. The thing that was really interesting was that she never really lived the life that she yearned for. She was in the big city, she had become a lawyer but she was dishonest with herself and everyone around her. As a result Greely became isolated and fell victim to a sociopath who claimed to love her. OK, so none of that made me dislike Greely. All of that made the book interesting. What did me in was how long it took Greely to figure out that it was ok to embrace her roots and to love them. While she was living in denial she came across as being unnecessarily snobby. It was interesting reading but it made me want to throw my Kindle at the wall several times. I kept screaming 'ughhhhh, get over yourself.'

The chemistry between Merritt and Greely is off the charts from the first scene. The sex scenes are outstanding and you feel the connection between the characters. I thought it was a good twist that there were issues inside of the MC that Greely was dealing with. I can see how that is going to develop in future books and I will definitely be following the series to see what happens. I also like Greely's best friend. I don't know who she had at her house at the end of the book but I hope its something we get to read about in future installments. Despite the moments where you might want to throat chop Merritt, this is a good book. I recommend this one and I double recommend it for you MC romance fans.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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