
Wednesday, December 7, 2016

ARC Review: Make It Hurt by Jackie Ashenden

Everyone who reads my reviews knows I'm a sucker for MC romance. If there is a book with a Motorcycle Club, I'm pretty much in. So of course when I saw the description of this book, I was like hells yes.  But then Nora happened and things went left quick.

So Nora is a bounty hunter. But before Nora was a bounty hunter, she was a southern debutante who was firmly under her Daddy's control and did everything he told her.  But Nora was not immune to lust. So when she was a teenager and met the super sexy Smith, it was only a matter of time before she gave herself to him. And I do mean gave herself to him. Nora was the one who led when it came to Smith. She was younger and he was reluctant but Nora pressed the issue until they were doing the vertical hokey pokey. Nora fell in love with Smith and vice versa but when her Dad found out she was into some lowly contractor, things went left. I didn't mean to tell you this much but the background is significant to understanding why the rest of the book annoyed the hell out of me. The thing that you most need to understand is that Nora convinced Smith to get into a relationship with her, they both fell in love with each other and NORA sold Smith out, not the other way around.

So fast forward several years.  Nora comes to Smith's MC bar hangout to claim a bounty on Smith's VP. Let's just pause right here for a minute. Nora goes crashing into a MC bar by herself to arrest one of the club regulars. IN WHAT WORLD? This does not happen. Nora would've gotten her ass killed in anything near a real MC bar. Instead, she sashays in, talks crazy to the MC PRESIDENT and lives to tell the story. The MC Pres happens to guessed it, Smith. In addition to the fact that I could not get over Nora talking crazy, the book totally lost me at this point.

Nora treated Smith like Smith was the one who did her wrong. I kept going backwards in the book trying to figure out if I had gotten the details of their early relationship wrong but I didn't. There is simply no explanation for Nora's treatment of Smith. Oh wait, Nora was a witch. That might explain it. And that explains why despite all the things about this book that should have made it a great read for me, I didn't love it. Smith is great. He's a strong bossy man who seems to really love Nora. I liked that he was not at all put off by Nora's tough facade and that he pressed her to get what he wanted. And of course he is the president of a MC so he has that going for him!! I think if Nora had been less ridiculous about her history with Smith, I would have really liked this book. By the time Nora sorts herself out, I just really didn't like her.

I know this is going to sound crazy but beyond my issue with Nora, this is quite a good book. Lots of action, twists and turns. The story was entertaining, the sex was sexy and eventually I even kind of liked Nora and Smith together. You just have to be able to overcome Nora's shenanigans to enjoy this one.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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