
Tuesday, December 13, 2016

ARC Review: Riddick by Kathy Coopmans

Riddick is the first book in the new The Saints series from Kathy Coopmans, and I couldn't wait to read this one after reading the blurb. I have really enjoyed Kathy's books in the past, and this was a great start to this series. I enjoyed it a lot, and I am looking forward to seeing more of these characters and their world as this series continues. 

Cora was Riddick's angel when he needed her the most, but then she was torn away from his life. Their families were enemies and their circumstances against them. Both try to move on with their lives, but fate brings them back to one another 12 years later. Though the connection and chemistry has never dimmed, they find themselves fighting the past and their demons yet again.

I really liked these two! They were so right for each other, and I loved that their connection was so strong. They had the forbidden aspect with their families being enemies and I loved that this was sort of a modern day Romeo and Juliet with a twist. I was instantly drawn into their story, and I really felt like I was invested in both Cora and Riddick. They were so interesting and I couldn't get enough of them. 

I will say that I had a few things that kept me from being able to give this one five stars. I felt like the ending was a bit abrupt and I would have liked a bit more closure for these characters. While I assume that we will see more of these characters as the series continues, I just wanted to feel like we were on a bit more solid ground with these two than I felt we were left with. There were also some times that the wording of things felt a bit off to me. I had to reread some sentences and paragraphs because things were just worded a bit oddly for me. It was distracting and took me out of the story a bit. I did enjoy it though and I liked the characters and world that Kathy Coopmans has created. This was a really great start to this series though, and I will definitely be interested to see where she takes us next with The Saints series.

**ARC Provided by TRSOR Promotions**

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