
Friday, February 24, 2017

ARC Review: Lost In Between by K.L. Kreig

The first thing you need to know is that the synopsis of the book that you will find on Goodreads and other cites does not exactly tell you what you are going to find in this book. It is true that Willow makes a deal with Shaw to be his arm candy for a few months for a quarter million dollars but that is just scratching the surface. The thing I loved about the way the author introduces Shaw and Willow is that they meet before they ever make the "arm candy" deal and Shaw is a raging A hole. I love rude guys who turn into obsessed bossy alpha lovers. I can't help it, I just fall for them every time.

When we meet Willow she is doing the best she can to make ends meet so that she can take care of her Mother who suffers from Alzheimers. Willow is working as an escort but a date escort, not a sex escort. I was a little concerned that I wasn't going to buy what Willow was selling because who wants to deal with a a no-sex escort? I got over whatever my issues were because Willow turned out to be a character that I liked. She was hung up on some deep issues. She was concerned about being abandoned because basically everyone she loved left her. She was so concerned about it that she had become the person who left before she could get left. Even though I sometimes wished she would settle her skittishness down, I liked her issues and how she dealt with them, they made her more relatable.

As for Shaw, four words: sex on a stick. Shaw is the kind of character that just kind of comes off the pages at you. Even though Shaw has convinced himself that he is in this temporary arrangement with Willow, he almost immediately gets crazy possessive. If you've read any other books by this author, you know that her Heroes are always a little over the top and Shaw was no exception. Of course Shaw struggles to convey his feelings in productive ways so he often hurt Willow's feelings when he really just wanted to say "please don't ever leave me."

In classic K.L. Kreig style, by the end of this book a third party emerges who Willow once had feelings for. And that's where things get really interesting and also near where the book ends. Willow's ex pops up, he's still in love with her and he is packing some whopper secrets about Willow's past. I don't want to give anything away and really there isn't much I can give away because the book ends in some unanswered questions. Let's just say that some things Willow assumed to be true were not. The ways in which Willow was wrong about the events of the past involve the two people that Shaw most wants to protect and he winds up torn between them with no good answers. The book built to a crescendo and then left us hanging but boy was it worth it. Smoking hot sex, all the feels, dynamic characters, you don't want to pass on this book.

**ARC provided by L. Woods PR**

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