
Monday, February 27, 2017

ARC Review: Roman by Sawyer Bennett

I've read almost all of the books in this series and I've enjoyed all of them. I also just generally love this author.  I have to say though, of all the books in the series, this one is my least favorite. The author went in a slightly different direction in including a lot of contextual information about Lexi's family and I think it just undercut the story of Roman of Lexi.

Roman is the NHL bad boy who is being forced to make a decision between cleaning his act up or becoming a permanent resident of the bench.  And maybe Roman could've been one of the Cold Fury characters that I really love but his personality flaws just didn't work for me. Roman came across as kind of immature. He would engage in ridiculous antics. He then refused to accept valid criticism about his behavior just because he couldn't let anyone know that they had authority over him. I just found this 'rebel without a cause' act to be annoying as hell. I did appreciate that Roman grew over the course of the book but his reasons for sometimes not growing were stupid.

Roman plays for the Cold Fury and first meets Lexi when both of them are waiting on appointments in the Cold Fury offices. Lexi's reasons for visiting the offices are nothing like Roman's. As it turns out, Lexi is the daughter of the Cold Fury owner. A fact she did not learn until her Mother passed away recently and told her. Lexi is at the offices to meet her Father for the first time. For those of you who have read past books in this series, you know that this turn of events makes Lexi Gray's little sister. That was an interesting twist.

Lexi is offbeat and quirky and Roman likes her instantly. Lexi is the kind of outspoken character that I normally really like as well. Lexi actually likes herself and she isn't the type to take any crap. Roman and Lexi connect with one another pretty quickly but I have to tell you, it felt like something was missing from their story. I'm not sure exactly what it was but even the sex was a little meh. Ok, so I think what happened is that the author tried to put a whole second story into this book. The book actually alternates between the POVs of the two main characters but also includes Lexi's Father and his love interest. Gray (who I like from her book) was less than fun in this book which I also found distracting. Just overall this book was good but not as good as the others in terms of the strength of the romance.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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