
Thursday, March 9, 2017

ARC Review: American Prince by Sierra Simone

American Prince is at the top of my most anticipated books of 2017, with American King being right there as well. Sierra Simone is one of my favorite authors, and I couldn't wait to find out what would happen after finishing American Queen. This series is a trilogy that needs to be read in order. So if you haven't read American Queen yet, you definitely need to start there. 

American Prince picks up after the events of American Queen, and focuses much more on Embry than the first book did. We get to see him in both the past and present, allowing us to learn about his history and how he came to know and grow close to both Ash and Greer. While we had some idea from the first book, I loved really getting to explore what made Embry the man he was. This book really destroyed me at times for how Embry felt and saw himself, as though he felt like he didn't deserve happiness. He had finally got a taste of it with Ash and Greer, and you could see how much they both meant to him. 

I can't really go into much of this story without giving things away, and trust me you need you need to just experience this story without knowing anything going in. This book gave me all the feels, and I was on such an emotional roller coaster here. My heart soared for these characters as they found love and happiness that had them feeling complete after everything that they had been through, and then it broke for each of them as they continued to be dealt so much more than anyone should have to go through. I know that Sierra Simone will build us up again after breaking us down, but there were things here that had me so wrecked and others that had me wanting to commit murder. I know that American King will be another emotional ride, but I have faith that things will be put back together as only Sierra Simone can do. 

Only knowing the basics of Arthurian legend, I don't really know entirely how things will play out and I know that Sierra Simone will put her own unique spin on it. But I honestly can't wait to see what happens next. This series is one of my absolute favorites, and American Prince did not disappoint. Sierra Simone is a talented writer, captivating the reader from start to finish with her beautiful words. If you haven't started this series yet, you are missing out and you should definitely go get these books! American Queen and American Prince are must reads for me, and I will be counting the days until August when American King is scheduled to be released.

**ARC Provided by Social Butterfly PR**

Purchase: | Kindle


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