
Monday, March 27, 2017

ARC Review: Chasing Kade by Anna Paige

This is my first book by this author. I see from some other reviews that Kade may have appeared in some other books that preceded this one and I will definitely have to check those out. By way of background, I can't ever decide how I feel about "rock star romance." I have sort of a love-hate relationship with all books in this genre so the fact that I actually thought this one was really good says a lot.

Kade is kind of a complex character. He is one of the lead singers of "thrill of the chase" and he struggles with his self perception. Kade sees himself as the....disposable savior. Kade is the guy who would throw himself in front of the bus to save his brothers. Part of the reason he'll do it though is because he sees his brother as more valuable than himself. He's the one who he thinks everyone else can do without so it's his job to take all the hits. Well, that's what he tells himself and that's what makes him really hard to figure out.

Aubrey is a PR rep who is brought in to shepherd the band through the end of their tour after a scandal involving to half naked girls breaks out. Aubrey takes the total wrong approach to the situation and triggers every one of Kade's defenses (of which there are many). Aubrey realizes the error of her ways and tries to dial it back but Kade is as unforgiving of other people as he is of himself. To complicate matters, Kade is immediately attracted to Aubrey. What transpires is a series of super hot encounters between them that seems like it's destined to explode at some point. Aubrey had a way of seeing through Kade's defenses and falling for the hero underneath. Aubrey knows Kade has issues and she knows he will probably hurt her but she just can't help herself.

I liked a lot of things about this book. The sex scenes were crazy. There is even a very unexpected thing that happens (I don't want to spoil it) that really kicks things up a notch. The writing of the book in terms of the storytelling is pretty good. There are a lot of supporting characters in this book and it seems like the author is giving just enough information to spark interest in reading their eventual stories. There were also things I didn't like. Some of the long pages of interactions with the supporting cast seemed tedious. Kade was really really a jerk. Even though I kind of like jerky guys, Kade was a jerk to everyone. He was just a generally disagreeable person and it took me a long time to figure out why. And so even though part of me loved that Aubrey was able to work through Kade's issues, part of me also wanted her to start refusing to put up with his mood swings.

All in all this is a pretty good read and probably an exceptional one for you rock star romance lovers.

**ARC provided by Give Me Books**

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