
Tuesday, March 14, 2017

ARC Review: Wait for Dark by Kay Hooper

Wait for Dark is book 17 of Kay Hooper’s Bishop/SCU series (fifth book for this publisher) and even though I rated this one a four star it was exponentially better than the one before it, Fear the Dark was quite good but it seemed redundant to drawn out. This one is the one I have been waiting for. Hollis and Reese have been dancing around each other for the last five books. Finally Reese has said enough is enough and puts everything out on the table and basically tells Hollis this is how I feel about you I know you feel the same there is no backing away from me anymore. Yay! I love those two but tbh I hope I don’t see them again in another book for a while because they have been the main characters in the last six books Fear the Dark the exception. My theory is that Hollis and Reese are leading up to take over for Bishop and Miranda in the future. This isn’t a stand-alone but you don’t have to read every book before this one, probably just the ones with Hollis in them (like nine books) only because the background they cover in this book mentions the pertinent history there is so much more information so much more of the story behind Hollis in the books.

This book was dark, creepy and really good. It balanced the action and suspense with the talking it out much better than the previous two books. Hollis and Reese along with new comers Kirby and Cullen are called down to the tiny North Carolina town of Clarity to uncover the truth behind a string of “accidents”. The sheriff, Mal Gordon, who called them in had a gut feeling that the accidents weren’t what they seemed, he followed his instinct and looked up the victims phone records and discovered they all received a text messages all the same time of day of their deaths; the message read “wait for dark”. Upon the arrival of Hollis and her team it escalates to a brutal murder. Nothing is quite what it seems from the staged deaths to the people in town. Top it all off, Hollis is dealing with another emerging talent, her abilities come out as an as needed basis.

The creepy vile villain behind this gets his own third person POV which you get to see how disturbed his mind is and hints at the true meaning and goal behind his madness. The book starts with a bang and continues with a line of increasingly grotesque incidents. I really like how dark this series has gotten, Hooper has shifted the focus of the books and focus’ more on the suspense then the romance and that’s just fine by me. I hope to see more of Kirby and Cullen, I enjoyed those two. Overall, this was another great book for the series. I love this series it has to be one of my favorites I’ve been reading them almost from the beginning, I own them all. One of the things I love about it is the fact that every book focus on a different couple so I really hope (even though I know I’ll probably be wrong) the next book does not center on Hollis and Reese.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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