
Sunday, July 23, 2017

ARC Review: Elusive by L.A. Fiore

I am a huge fan of L.A. Fiore's after reading a few of her books. She is still pretty new to me, but with each new book I read from her I fall more in love with her writing style. I was so excited to see that she was writing a pirate love story, and this book was everything I had been hoping for from her.

Noah and Willow came from very different backgrounds, but from the moment they met there was a spark between them. Willow's family was in the treasure hunting business and she always blamed it for the reason her parents were around. But when she stumbled upon a journal with the promise of a shipwreck and lost treasure, the romantic in her knew she had to find it to get answers to what happened to the couple from the journal. Noah's life was about surviving, and that led to an unexpected life as a pirate. But when the journal brought them together, both of them knew that what they had could only be temporary as their goals were very different. Though neither of them planned on falling in love, they find themselves unable to fight the feelings between them and soon they both begin to wonder if a future together might be possible.

I loved these two together. I thought that they were sexy and the chemistry was there right from the start. It was easy to see the attraction between them and I couldn't get enough of how hot they were. But I loved that they both connected while still being so different from one another. Though they came from completely different upbringings, they both sought treasure and a family that loved them. Willow was smart and a true romantic at heart, I loved that she was passionate and that her motives were truly to tell the story that she had fell in love with. While Noah's motives might not have been on the up and up, he cared for Willow and it was easy to see that he would do anything for her. 

Overall, this was such a great story. I was captivated from the start and there were twists and turns here that I didn't expect. L.A. Fiore's writing is fantastic and I felt like I was right there with the characters living their hunt for treasure right along with them. This world that she has created is beautiful and yet dangerous and edgy, keeping the reader on the edge of their seat wondering what will happen next. I loved the characters here and I can't wait to get to know these sexy pirates better. While they had some bad to them and lived up to the word pirate, they were impossible not to root for and I am anxious for Snake's book next. If you are looking for something different and unique with some sexy alphas and unexpected turns, this is definitely one you will want to check out. My one minor criticism and the only reason this book wasn't a five star read for me was that I felt a bit detached at times from Noah, and I wish that we had been able to get a bit more of him and his POV. I felt like he kind of fell to the background a bit with Willow and the hunt for treasure sometimes taking over. The story was still great, but I wanted more of Noah and the connection between him and Willow.

**ARC Provided by The Next Step PR**

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes |


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