
Wednesday, August 2, 2017

ARC Review: The Brightest Sunset by Aly Martinez

As soon as I had finished The Darkest Sunrise by Aly Martinez, I couldn't wait to get The Brightest Sunset. This duet needs to be read in order, so make sure to start at the beginning. I also recommend going into this series blind, don't try to find spoilers as this one is best just experienced. Aly Martinez is one of those authors that I have loved since I first read something by her, yet she just seems to keep getting better. This duet is one that I won't soon forget, and I think a lot of readers are going to feel the exact same way. 

Porter and Charlotte had each been through their share of pain and tragedy, but together they were working towards leaving the darkness behind. Just about to step into the light together, the past came back threatening to destroy everything that they were building. Can they find a way to leave it behind once and for all and embrace the future together, or will there be too much for them to overcome?

I loved these two in the first book, and that just intensified here. Both of them feel so real and genuine to me, and Aly did a great job of making them seem as though they could be anyone. They were human and far from perfect, yet there was so much about them that I admired. They were strong while also being vulnerable, and I loved seeing how they grew and changed over the course of these two books. Porter and Charlotte had a ton of chemistry and it was clear that they were good for one another. While they understood each other and were exactly what the other needed at times, they were also capable of being a weakness for the other as well. I found the dynamic between them very interesting and I couldn't get enough of them. I can't imagine being put through all they were, but I knew that if any two could make things work it would be them.

Overall, this was a great ending to the duet and I didn't want to put this book down. While there were so many heartbreaking and painful moments for each of them, this duet was filled with hope and love. Aly Martinez brought so much depth in these books and while there were times they struggled, I had faith that she would put everything back together exactly as it should be. Not only did she not disappoint, but I felt like this was exactly how things should have ended and I really loved how things turned out. I definitely recommend this duet to those that like emotional and character driven stories. These books are ones that will captivate you from start to finish and stay with you for long after they are over.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |


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