
Thursday, August 24, 2017

Feature: A Pinch of Salt by Bethany Lopez

For the past year, talented chef Millie has been consumed with running her new catering business with her sisters, Dru and Tasha. It isn't until Jackson walks through their door that she realizes something may be missing in the recipe of her life.

For the past year, Jackson has been dealing with the fallout of his wife's abandonment. He's had to learn how to be a single father to their eight-year-old daughter, and will do anything to fill the void her mother left. It isn't until he commissions Millie for his daughter's birthday party that he realizes he's forgotten that he's not only a father, but a man.

They both think they're content in their lives, but sometimes the right amount of spice can turn an okay dish into a magnificent one. A Pinch of Salt may be all that's needed to bring Millie and Jackson the flavor they've been missing.

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“Are you ready?” he asked, pushing his glasses up his nose in what I was beginning to realize was a nervous gesture.

“Yes,” I replied, giving him a true smile. It was easier knowing that he was just as nervous as I was. “Let’s go.”

“It’s a beautiful day, shall we walk?” Jackson asked, mockingly holding out his arm in a gallant gesture.

I laughed at his silliness and tucked my arm in his.

“I’d love that.”

As we started on the short walk to the coffee house, I asked, “So, what made you get into high school English?”

“I always knew I wanted to be a teacher, and I’ve always loved literature, so it seemed like a no-brainer,” Jackson replied easily. “I started out with your basic freshman English, but now I teach an advanced class, focusing on the classics, like Shakespeare, Austen, and Alcott, and it’s great because the kids in my class choose to be there, so they actually want to learn what I’m teaching.”

“Wow, that sounds wonderful,” I replied, my heart pitter-pattering at the thought of Jackson laying down to read Jane Austen at night. “And very rewarding.”

“It is,” he agreed. Just then, the wind kicked up and his scent hit me. A bit of spice, with a hint of something I couldn’t name. He smelled wonderful.

I was beginning to wonder what the hell was wrong with this guy. There had to be something. No one was this perfect.

Maybe he picks his nose or bites his toenails…

But as I looked at his profile, my hand warm on his arm, I hoped that I was wrong. I wanted him to be real. 

Award-Winning Author Bethany Lopez began self-publishing in June 2011. She's a lover of all things romance: books, movies, music, and life, and she incorporates that into the books she writes. When she isn't reading or writing, she loves spending time with her husband and children, traveling whenever possible. Some of her favorite things are: Kristen Ashley Books, coffee in the morning, and In N Out burgers.

Bethany Lopez is represented by Marisa Corvisiero of Corvisiero Literary Agency.


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