
Tuesday, January 9, 2018

ARC Review: Crazy Sexy Notion by Sarah Darllington

I have read and enjoyed books by Sarah Darlington before, but I was really intrigued with Crazy Sexy Notion after reading the blurb. I enjoyed this one quite a bit and I think a lot of readers will as well. While the circumstances weren't the most realistic here, I was able to enjoy the story for what it was and luckily the subject matter didn't drag the story down for me. 

After a series of bad relationships and one terrible break up and the feeling that he can never commit to one woman, Mick gets the idea to look his childhood friend Raven up. They were inseparable and he always looked out for her when they were kids, until his dad showed up and took him away from the trailer park he lived in with his mother. But Raven was left behind, and they went years without speaking. When Mick finds Raven years later though, she is a single mother and works as a prostitute to make ends meet. 

I will admit that both of these characters took a bit for me to warm up to. While I was interested in each of them as individuals and what could possibly be between them, they each had parts to them that weren't easy to relate to at first. Mick was a cheater and had no problem admitting that, and while that isn't excusable, it was clear that he didn't have a connection with any of the girls he had been with and that was because of what was always between him and Raven. Raven was hardened and a bit cold at first, blaming Mick for leaving her and her reluctance to forgive him was somewhat understandable. But he was only 10 and had no choice and it was hard for me to be okay with how she acted at times considering that Mick hadn't ever wanted to leave her even though he did go with his dad. He never forgot about her and there was nothing he could have done differently besides stay in a bad situation, though it ultimately wouldn't have even been his choice because of his age. I was glad that their connection was still there though and that Mick went back and found her. 

Overall, this was a good story and despite the fact that this could have been a heavy story, it wasn't. I was able to enjoy it and grow to like the characters as they progressed throughout this story. Sarah Darlington has yet to disappoint me and I look forward to more from her in the future. I recommend giving Crazy Sexy Notion a try if you are a contemporary fan and looking for something a bit different.

**ARC Provided by Enticing Journey Book Promotions**

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