
Saturday, October 24, 2015

ARC Review: Playing with Seduction by Erika Wilde

This is book #3 in the Players Club series. I've read each of the two preceding books but you don't need to read them to read this one. Each book is a standalone and you can start anywhere in the series. Wilde's series is one of the most reliable ones that I've read. You can count on the books to deliver strong characters, an interesting relationship and some hot sex. This book definitely fits in the series.

This book is different than the other two in the series because it features a heroine, Kendall who is 8 years older than the Hero, Jase. Kendall is 35 years old and recovering from a significant betrayal by her ex-husband. Jase is a model who volunteers for sexy photo shoots in which Kendall is the photographer in the hopes that he can get closer to Kendall. Jase is ex-military and didn't really have a life plan until he met Kendall. The conflict between Kendall and Jase arises because Jase isn't sure about the long term and that's the only thing Kendall is sure about.

So you're probably asking, what about the club? Kendall gets an anonymous invitation to the club and in an interesting twist, she decides to go so she can get Jase out of her head. Luckily for us, Jase is actually the person who invites Kendall to the club and this is where things get really good. Kendall and Jase have an intensity to both their emotional and physical connection that really comes across in the author's writing. I really enjoyed watching Kendall and Jase both be caught of guard by the strength of their connection and to struggle through the implications of it.

The only reason this book wasn't more like 4 stars for me is because all of the intensity between Jase and Kendall that makes the story good was confined to the steamy scenes. When the two were not in hot and sweaty mode, I didn't really feel much of a connection between them and sometimes it wasn't even clear why they were together. I really liked both Kendall and Jase as characters. The author did a good job with both of them, the only problem is that I'm not sure I like them together as much as I like their individual depiction. The last reason I gave this book the rating that I did is because it had that thing that drives me crazy- an abrupt ending. There was conflict building in the book and then suddenly everything is just wrapped up neatly and the book ends. All of that being said, I still recommend this book. It is a fun fast read with a dominant male hero and a heroine who knows what the hell she wants. I enjoyed this book and will keep reading the series.

**ARC provided by RockStarLit PR**

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