
Monday, March 28, 2016

ARC Review: Luke's Absolution by K.L. Kreig

OK, this is the third book in the series. I read the first two books (you can find my review of one of the two somewhere around here) and I absolutely loved them. The first two Colloway brothers, Asher and Gray are among some of my favorite alpha heroes. I say all of that to give you context on how much it truly pains me to write this review. I was dying to get my hands on this book. When I found out it was available, I did a happy dance and tore into it with no further preamble. Then a weird thing kinda sucked. So again, let me say, if you are starting this series with this book, first, maybe don't do that. Second, if you do it anyway, don't let it deter you from reading other books in the series. This one honestly isn't a reflection of the rest of the series.

Luke's absolution is Luke and Addy's story. I'm going to warn you this review is going to be short. It's going to be short because truthfully, this book could have been written in about 30 pages. There is no point writing a long drawn out review about what was really a super short book. So here it go. Addy is scarred by past relationships where she was always a consolation prize. Luke has been scarred by an event in his past which removed his faith in the people he trusted most and set him down a path to doing some very bad things. As a result, Luke doesn't feel like he's worthy to be with a good woman. Despite Luke's self deprication, he wants Addy something fierce and pursues her in typical Colloway brother fashion.

The problem with this book is that 80% of it is repetitive internal dialogue. When I say repetitive, I meant repetitive. Like the same thing was repeated and repeated and repeated.....over and over again. See how irritating that is? Luke had a conversation with himself every 3 pages about how he wasn't good enough for Addy but didn't give a eff because he would have her anyway. Addy repeated just as often how hot Luke was but how she couldn't make the same mistake again and be second string (because she believed Luke was in love with Livia). In between the internal obsessing there is some hot hooking up but just when you start to get the warm fuzzies, the characters go back into their redundant feelings.

There wasn't really any action in this book and when we get to the big conflict that the Colloway brothers are famous for, it fell really flat. It felt forced and that made it seem like Luke's reaction was really an overreaction. I didn't really feel the connection between Addy and Luke and I just wasn't invested in their story. I love this series and recommend it, I just wish this book was a better reflection of the series.

**ARC provided by Social Butterfly PR**

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