
Friday, November 4, 2016

ARC Review: House Rules by Rebecca Brooke

I was so excited when I found out that Rebecca Brooke was writing a book about Miller Hawes! Miller is Ashton's brother for those that have read her book Traded. While you do not need to have read Traded to understand this book as it is a standalone story, I highly recommend it as it is connected to this book and one that I absolutely loved! This world and family is one that I have come to love, and Rebecca Brooke delivered another fantastic story in House Rules! 

Miller Hawes didn't believe in love, and preferred to keep his encounters casual and quick, never letting the women he slept with actually sleep in his bed. They used him as much as he used them, and that suited him fine. But when he won a night with Theresa in a poker game, he never expected that his life would change. She was beautiful like all the woman he usually spent time with, but unlike the others she didn't fall at his feet or jump for the chance to be in his bed. Miller is determined to focus on taking over his family's business now that his father has stepped down, but after his night with Tess he finds that he can't get her off of his mind. 

I loved Miller and Tess! They were great together and I loved that she made him work for it. Miller was brutally honest with the girls that he normally hooked up with and often times that made him seem like a real jerk. Yet he was so different with Tess, and I loved how protective and alpha he was with her. She was his right from the start, and he definitely made that known. Tess was strong and independent, and I was so glad that she challenged Miller. She was exactly what he needed and it was so fun to watch the tension and chemistry between these two as the story progressed. These two were beyond hot together and I couldn't get enough of them! 

Overall, this was a great story and I loved Miller and Tess. It was so good to see Ashton and Elena again as well, but Tess and Miller were just as amazing as they were and I truly enjoyed this book from start to finish. Rebecca Brooke captured my attention right away with House Rules, and I didn't put this book down until I had devoured every last word. I am so excited that she is continuing to tell stories in this world, and I can't wait to get Brock's story next!

**ARC Provided by Author**

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