
Friday, June 22, 2012

ARC Review: Enslaved In Shadows by Tigris Eden

After finishing this book I'm at a loss as for what to say. On one hand I really enjoyed this book. I thought that the author created a interesting and dark world filled with memorable characters that I want to get to know better. Then on the other hand I'm left with a few unanswered questions and a gory torture scene that I honestly could have done without. Don't get me wrong, I think that this was a great debut to what looks like will be a very interesting series, I just wish some things would have been dealt with differently.

I sometimes felt that the alphaness of the character Draven was a bit much. I never really understood his feelings for Jez. To be honest, I never really felt like he really cared for her at all. There was one scene where I felt a bit of tenderness from him in regards to Jez but that was it. He goes on and on about how much he loves Jez but he just acts like a crazed barbarian. I felt no affection from him, it felt more like lust and a case of him not wanting to share his favorite toy. He was too controlling and it all was a bit much at times. Don't get me wrong, I love a fierce alpha male, but there is a difference between being alpha and being a jerk. And I felt for the most part that Draven was being a jerk.

As for Jez, I couldn't get a real feel for her either. It seems as if she goes from helpless female to warrior female at the drop of a hat and I just did not find it believable. She's fighting Draven and his animalistic tendencies in one breath and then the other she's in his bed. I just wish she would have made up her mind. I understand that Jez is scared and attempting to heal from her disastrous marriage, I just would have liked her to have been consistent.

What I really enjoyed with this book is the relationships with everyone else. While I might not have believed in Draven and Jez as a couple, I loved everyone else. I loved the friendship with Bells and Jez as well as the relationship between Draven and the guys from the Shadow Unit. For me they made this book. I fell in love with the character of Royce and I honestly kept reading for him.

Don't get me wrong, I really did enjoy this book and I thought it was a great debut effort. Once I began reading I found myself immersed in her world. I look forward to reading more from Tigris Eden and further exploring her world. I curious to see what twist and turns she takes us on next.

**ARC copy provided by Author**

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