
Sunday, June 17, 2012

Guest Post with Author Ana Hart and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Ana Hart. Ana has stopped by today to chat but before I give the floor over to Ana, lets get to know her a bit.

Ana Hart is a writer of erotica, romance, and everything in between. Ana’s stories can be found in various anthologies, including Postcards of Passion and A Wicked & Wanton All Hallows Eve. Ana was also one of 32 finalists in the 2011 All Romance Ebooks Just One Bite short story contest and her short story, “A Fair Exchange” can be found in Just One Bite, Volume Four. Born and raised in the southern United States, Ana currently resides in Arkansas with her very supportive boyfriend and their beautiful son (who just happens to be a cat…but don’t tell him that! ) But she can often be found online – on Facebook, Twitter, or just lurking around Google and running searches on herself.

Places to find Ana:

All's Fair In Love and Canoeing by Ana Hart

So, the BF and I just got back from a canoeing trip. (Which, by the way, always use sunscreen. Ouch). Never gone canoeing with your significant other before? Well, you should try it sometime. It's definitely an experience, especially if you two are complete n00bs like my boyfriend and I were. You see, the BF and I have both kayaked on separate occasions. We understand the concept of paddle + water = propelling you forward down super awesome river. But kayaking is a solo endeavor and working together to propel you forward down super awesome river is another beast entirely.

(And trust me, you'll probably try to club each other over the head with your paddles at some point).

“Turn left. No, HARD left. BABY, watch out for the tree!” were just a few of the things I was screeching over the course of the afternoon as our little craft ran into various rocks and trees. My head was also introduced to several branches (though I don't think they liked each other all that much). I paddled too vigorously and gave the BF a healthy dose of river water to the crotch, ultimately soaking his shorts through (which he didn't really like for some reason). And we took several rapids while floating backwards through the water (which is a scary-ass experience, for the record).

Yeah, we were pretty frustrated after only about a half hour in.

So, we decided to take a break. We parallel parked on a nearby rocky shore to (try and) enjoy our respective lunches of Lunchables and soda. (We both had the pizza ones. And they came with Crunch candy bars! Yeah, we're both twenty-three and we're still just a couple of kids).

“Baby,” the BF finally broke the silence while I fumed over a can of Diet Dr Pepper. “I know we're both upset over this, but I don't want to fight, so, let's not fight okay?” Sure, worked for me. I don't like fighting and, Hell, we were out on this river together for six whole miles whether we liked it (at this point) or not. There wasn't anyone waiting around to take us home, until we made it to the end of the route, of course. And to do that, we were going to have to work together. Which meant we were going to have to communicate better.

Sitting in the front, I acted as my boyfriend's eyes, calling out when there was an obstacle up ahead. In the back, the BF was our steering wheel, making sure we (and by we, I mean my head) didn't crash into anymore trees. There were bugs, fish that thought my legs were quite tasty, and a whole lot more rapids, but you know what? We did it. We finally made it. Six freaking miles, baby! For a couple of nerds, that's really not that bad. And, yeah, we were both exhausted by the end of it, but we did it together. And I loved getting to collapse on the beach at the end of it all, curl up in my boyfriend's arms and hear him say: “Baby … I love you so much.”

Yeah, so, take your significant other canoeing some time. It might be frustrating, at first, but the longer you work at it, the easier it gets. So, in a way, I guess canoeing is kind of like being in a relationship. You have to have good communication and all that good jazz and you have to work together. Awww, sweet.

So, what's the moral to this story? I thought it was obvious?

Don't forget the sunscreen. Duh.

Leave a comment below with your email address for your chance to win a $5 Amazon gift card! Come on, it's super easy. Free money! This contest will end at next Sunday(June 24) at 12:01 AM CST. Good luck!

Daniel Webb is your fairly average twenty-something year-old living in the bustling city of Stone Hills, Arkansas. High school graduate, College dropout, and currently an employee of a local coffee shop, where he spends the majority of his nights hovering over a hot grill. You know, a totally glamorous lifestyle...

Oh, yeah, and Sarelia, an elder spirit of the Lower World, gifted him with powers beyond his wildest imaginings only a few months ago. Some people would have been grateful. Others would have simply been in denial.

All Daniel feels is resentment.

Because honestly, Daniel's life is kinda sucking at the moment. His girlfriend Malorie dumped him. He's crashing on his brother, Mark's couch (who's being a bit of a dick about the whole thing), and his best friend, James Harin, won't stop smothering him with pity.
But when Daniel bumps into the sexy Alyssa Vega at The Pub and ends up going home with her for some no-strings-attached fun, something finally seems to be going right. Alyssa is just the spot of normalcy Daniel needs in his freak show of a life.

Until his sexy one night stand turns out to be a freak just like him. A rather badass freak as a matter of fact.

So much for normalcy.

As the temptation to use the power Sarelia gave him grows stronger, Daniel finally gives in and embraces the strength the power gives him. With it, he can do anything.

Well, except raise the dead.

Too bad the power's so damn addicting.

Places to Purchase:

 1 lucky commenter will win a $5 Amazon Gift Card

To Enter:
  • Leave a comment below for Ana.
  • Make sure to leave your email address so we can contact you.
  • Giveaway ends June 24 at 12:01 AM CST

Good Luck =)


  1. Wow, I would love to go canoeing one day.

  2. I haven't been canoeing in years. Your post reminded me of how much fun it is. I'll have to grab the hubs one of these days and drag him out to our local river. Best wishes on the book. It sounds pretty funny.

  3. I've never canoed, but some of my friends discovered it recently and became big fans. I can understand the appeal, must be wonderful spending some time in nature and see the river :-)

    stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com

  4. Going canoeing with your BF and getting stranded is so romantic! And what memories you created together!

  5. LOL... great post! I've only gone canoeing once w/ a high school boyfriend and we fought so much he left me on a sandbar! Luckily we were w/ a group and another canoe "picked" me up. I found him waiting for me at another sandbar cuz he need help to lift the canoe over. Suffice it to say, I haven't gone again since :)

    Congrats on the new release!

  6. We have a canoe, but I always feel like it's going to tip over. I think I'm going to get those "training wheels" (pontoons) to hang off the side. The one thing I noticed about canoeing is that it's just so much more peaceful than being in a motorized boat.

    Thanks for introducing this new author to me. My all time favorite genre is romance of any kind!


  7. I don't think I would be good at canoeing, I am very clumsy, often screw up and go the wrong way when someone says go left (or right). But it is great that you both worked together to get to the end of the 6 miles and actually were happy with each other. Oh, and sunscreen is very important, especially if you are easily burnt (I am).
    manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

  8. I Gotta Say I Am Loving This Book I Have It On My Wish list I Havent Read Your Books Before So This Will Be My First.

  9. Thanks for all the comments, you guys, and thank you Danielle for having me on the blog today!

    Yeah, I was super pumped we didn't capsize because as you guys can see I totally took my camera with me. (And my phone. I swear I'm addicted to that thing.) Next time we'll probably just rent separate kayaks so we can race each other. But of course we all know I'd win! ;)

    And thanks for wishlisting (it's totally a word) Reborn, April! Daniel Webb is quite the character.

  10. Nice post. The book sounds good.


  11. I'm not very adventurous, so I think I'll give canoeing a miss. Reading is more my speed.


  12. Ah, the last time I went canoeing I wound up in the water. I had been in boats growing up but I should choose my canoe-mates a little better since they freaked and dumped us all out. Still laugh about it though.

    bas1chsemail at gmail dot com

  13. I love canoeing and haven't been in years. The last time I tipped us into the lake!

  14. This was a different kind of post. Reminds me of family vacations, which I got out of as soon as I could. Now, 32 years later, I'm thinking about doing something like this again,..... until I'm really there experiencing the heat and bugs again.

  15. Honestly, this trip was loads of fun (although I'm still recovering from the sunburn! Damn my pasty white skin...) and I can't wait to go on another adventure :) Though maybe the next one will be closer to home... like the golf course out back! (I live on a golf course.) But I might get in trouble for adventuring on the golf course...

    Ah, well.

  16. Thanks so much for the contest!!!

  17. I enjoyed your post. I've never been canoeing before it just doesn't look to safe to me.
    sstrode at scrtc dot com

  18. lol don't forget the sunscreen XD I always forget the sunscreen! But it's a good thing I got my husband to remember it :)

    Thanks for the giveaway!


  19. Thanks for all the great comments, guys! I'm just about to pick the winner ;) (Or, rather, is just about to pick the winner!)

    Good luck!
