
Saturday, September 7, 2013

ARC Review: Twilight Hunger by Kait Ballenger

Twilight Hunter is the first full length book in Kait Ballenger's Execution Underground Series. You can read the first part of the Execution Underground Series which is a prequel novella, Shadow Hunter, in the After Dark Anthology with Gena Showalter. The Execution Underground Series is about an elite group of supernatural hunters, each with their own specialty. Twilight Hunter centers around Jace McCannon, a werewolf hunter who just so happens to be half were.

Jace McCannon is searching for a rogue werewolf who is on a killing spree. The killer mutilates and rapes his victims and the Execution Underground as well as Jace are tired of innocent women being killed. One night while trying to find the killer, Jace comes across a female were calling herself Francesca. Even though he normally hunts her kind and is disgusted by them, he can't help but be attracted to her. Little does he know that she is actually Frankie, the pack-master. As the two begin to work together in order to search for the killer, lines become blurred and secrets and lies are revealed. There are so many obstacles standing in the way of a relationship between Jace and Frankie, and yet they are both drawn together by a chemistry that neither of them can fight. But as they each learn more, can they overcome everything and be together as well as catch a killer?

I thought that Jace was sexy and a total alpha! It was easy to see how Frankie could be drawn to him. But Jace is damaged from a past and father that left him hating himself and making it hard for him to get along with others. Even though he is a member of the Execution Underground, Jace seemed be more of a loner than part of the team when we first met him. I really loved how he started to work with a few of the guys as the book progressed. His growth and character development really drew me into the story. For most of the book I loved Frankie! She was strong and confident, and I thought that she was a great leader for her pack. Always looking out for them and willing to sacrifice herself for them! I did have a few problems with her character towards the end of the book. I couldn't figure out why she acted the way she did a few times after everything that her and Jace had previously been through. Luckily though she was back to the character that I first loved by the end of the book. Jace and Frankie were great together when they weren't constantly fighting the feelings and attraction they felt. It took awhile for me to really get into their relationship and feel their connection because of the back and forth tug of war that was going on between them. But I liked them as a couple when they finally figured it out.

Overall, this book was a good read. I liked the characters and found them interesting. Sometimes the story was a little slow to develop for me, but there was a lot of action and suspense that kept me interested. I would have liked there to have been a little more romance and development to the relationship as I felt that was almost just the background of the story. But the scenes with Jace and Frankie were written well and were some of my favorite parts! I felt the ending was somewhat abrupt and could have benefited from a few more pages. However, Kait Ballenger did a great job setting up the next story in the series. Book number two, Immortal Hunter will feature David and Allsun, who both were a part of Twilight Hunter. I am excited to read their story and get to know the other members of the Execution Underground, especially Shane who we got to know a little in this book. I would recommend this series to fans of suspense and paranormal who also like romance. This series has something to offer to fans of all supernatural groups, and the suspense and action are sure to keep you reading.

**ARC provided by Author**

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