
Monday, September 2, 2013

Interview with Author Kelsey Browning and Giveaway

Please give a warm welcome to the lovely Kelsey Browning. Kelsey is celebrating the debut release of her book, Personal Assets and has stopped by to answer a few questions.

Kelsey Browning writes sass kickin' love stories full of hot heroes, saucy heroines and spicy romance. Originally from a Texas town smaller than the ones she writes about, Kelsey has also lived in the Middle East and Los Angeles, proving she's either adventurous or downright nuts. These days, she hangs out in northeast Georgia with Tech Guy, Smarty Boy, Bad Dog and Pharaoh, a Canine Companions for Independence puppy. She's currently at work on the next book in her Texas Nights series and The Granny Series. Give her a shout at or drop by For info on her upcoming releases, subscribe to her Sass Kickin' News.

Places to find Kelsey:

First off, can you tell us a bit about yourself?
Let’s see…interesting, interesting, I need to be interesting…Oh, the pressure! I’m a native Texan who had to travel to Switzerland at age 22 to see real snow for the first time. Since then, I’ve lived halfway around the world in Doha, Qatar, and then on both US coasts, but never in a place with snow. I’m in northeast Georgia now, and I swear it’s the coldest place I’ve ever lived. Yeah, I’m a weenie.

Did you always want to be a writer?
I always wrote. Little poems (that I hope have all been destroyed so they don’t crop up when I’m dead). Short stories about imaginary dragons. A romance where the heroine was named Sacha, but her nickname was “Sassy.” Maybe not a great start, but all these years later and my tagline is Sass Kickin’ Love Stories. Coincidence? I think not.

What kind of writer are you? Panster or Plotter?
Umm…something in between. I’m a character-driven writer, so plotting is challenging for me. For the past two to three years, I’ve been studying story structure intensely. Before I sit down to draft a book, I do some character sketches, GMC and a high-level plot outline. I have a plotting group that meets twice a year (thank the sweet baby Jesus for those three women—Adrienne Giordano, Tracey Devlyn and Theresa Stevens!)

Where do your ideas come from?
I usually root around in the back of the toilet tank and voila! there they are. Seriously, who knows? Sometimes a character will pop up in my twilight zone (that fabulous, hazy time before you totally fall asleep). Other times it’s a street sign or an overheard bit of dialogue.

A la Twitter style, can you describe your book (or series) in 140 characters or less.
To banish her inner good girl, sex therapist takes on special project & gets more than she bargained for when former bad boy turns serious.

What are some of your favorite kinds of stories to read?
I love contemporary romance. It’s my go-to sub-genre. I’m also a big fan of paranormal romance. I love bad boys. Can’t resist a small town setting (as long as the love scenes are hot!). Have a thing for reunion and hidden baby stories.

Do you have a favorite book and if so what is it?
That’s just evil. I can’t tell you my favorite romance because it’s simply impossible. One novel I loved was The Red Tent by Anita Diamant.

What are the scenes that are the hardest for you to write?
The ones when I don’t know what the heck I’m doing there. If I don’t know the true purpose of the scene, then I can wander around for hours and write stuff that doesn’t advance the plot.

If you could have dinner with any three authors, who would you choose and why?
Again, not fair. I know so many authors and could have a blast eating with about 99% of them. Oh, I think it would be cool to create these different “author dinner parties” where I match up some fun folks. So dinner party #1: Cherry Adair, Adrienne Giordano and Kimberly Kinkaid. That would be a roomful of crazy, cussing gals. I’d laugh so hard I’d probably wet myself a little :-D.

Last question, are you working on anything right now?
Always, always working on something. I’m editing Problems in Paradise, the third book in the Texas Nights series, drafting Designs to Die For, book four, and getting ready to launch In For a Penny, the first book in The Granny Series, which I’m co-writing with Nancy Naigle.

When you imagine the life of an author, what comes to mind? (If it’s moose PJ pants, copious amounts of coffee and purple pens, you get bonus points!)

Sex therapist Allie Shelby has the professional credentials, but she could use a bit more practical experience. Finding the right man to bring out her inner bad girl is tough in a population-challenged Texas town. So when sinfully sexy Cameron Wright rolls back into Shelbyville, Allie wastes no time inviting him to join her in some hands-on research.

But while her personal life heats up, Allie's business is about to crash and burn. And she has to convince Cameron that she's one princess who's not looking for a prince to ride to her rescue.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | Carina Press |

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 set of Texas themed Wine Charms
  • 1 Bed Lounger

To Enter: 
  • US/Canada Shipping ONLY.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Kelsey Browning for sponsoring both giveaways!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Danielle -

    You have such a gorgeous blog. Thanks so much for the shout-out today. I had a blast answering the questions for this interview!


  2. Hey Kels,

    Our brainstorming get-togethers ARE awesome! Can't wait for October.

    Enjoy your blog tour!


    1. Trace -

      I can't believe the next plotting session is SO close! Can't wait to see what everyone brings to work on!


  3. Kelsey, welcome! Loved your interview and the book description. As I myself am unpublished (pre-published, as my 8 yr old son would say...very smart kid, by the way), I am very certain that an author should look like someone who is sitting at a computer in pajamas, drinking copious quantities of coffee, and uses cool colored pens! The book sounds great; can't wait to get a chance to read it.
    Well, I better go get dressed for the day, stop drinking so much coffee (ran out of creamer), and put away my colored pens (my 8 yr old loves to "borrow" my neon colored pens)!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Sandra! The guys in my house know that stealing my colored pens is punishable by death (j/k...kinda :-) ). Best of luck in your writing and pursuit of publication. I do love my moose PJs, but I think having Personal Assets published was mostly about having the seat of those PJs in the seat of my office chair.

      Here's to neon pens!

  4. Congrats! I imagine lots of typing on a computer.... :) and sitting at home in PJ... cuz that's what I would do if I were writer!

    1. May -

      Yep, lots of computer time, but I set my timing and force myself to get up and move around about every 20 minutes or so. PJs and sweats are my best friend, though. The shower tends to come later in the day when my brain needs a break. Lots of good ideas come from the shower! :-)

      Thanks for popping in!

  5. Hi Kelsey,

    Finished Personal Assets last night and loved it! NE Georgia isn't cold. My daughter is in Minnesota. That's cold and snowy!!

    1. Mary Jo -

      My college roommate was from MN. I swam in Lake Superior one time - dear God Almighty! That is why I live in the South! Humans were not meant to live in that kind of cold - LOL.

      Thanks for stopping by today!

  6. Now listen, there's nothing wrong with a little crazy fun now and again. Although, I'm a little frightened of a dinner with Cherry, Kimberly and you. We probably wouldn't survive from laughing so hard.

    Love ya, Kels!

    1. Adrienne -

      Oh, I have a feeling much wine would be consumed, and the waitstaff would possibly be much offended - LOL.


  7. I imagine the life of an author would be stressful! I'd be nervous about deadlines. But I think it would also be wonderful to be able to share my stories with the world.

    Brooke B.
    brooke811 at

    1. Brooke -

      Deadlines are both good and bad. They definitely up the motivation to finish a book (and force you to send the damn thing off!). But yes, they can be stressful as well. I try to set realistic goals and deadlines based on what I know I can produce. Of course, that changes over time, but I feel like I know what I'll be able to get done over the next couple of years. My priorities are the Texas Nights series, the Granny Series and another contemporary series to be named!

      Thanks for commenting!

  8. Hm.. at their computer and lots of coffee. :)

    1. Amber -

      Since it's still hot here in Georgia, I've cut down to one cup of coffee a day, but then I've added an iced latte after walking the dogs :-).

      Thanks for popping in!

  9. Okay, so you know we have to do that dinner at RWA14, right?! Right?!

    So happy for your fabulous release, girl. I know there will be many more to come :)

    1. Thanks, gal!

      Oh, good thing I have a heads-up on the shoes dinner - I'll need that must time for find a pair. Actually, I think I'll plan on a new pair of cowboy boots :-).


  10. I imagine the author typing and editing their stories every day and then have one day for some family time only. Great interview by the way

    1. Sandy -

      Thanks so much for stopping by. I have to admit it's rare that I have a 100% family day. That being said, I try to work before my son wakes on the weekends. Really depends on the deadline issues :-).


  11. Fun interview! My sister really likes Adrienne and her tell it like it is way about things (very similar to my sister). She said she hopes to find a CP like Adrienne. I am curious what Adrienne is like after a few drinks?

    1. Amy -

      Honestly, Adrienne isn't much different after a drink or two than she is before--says what she thinks..umm...kinda loudly. That's why we get along so well :-).

