
Sunday, February 7, 2016

ARC Review: Beyond the Stars by Stacy Wise

I have to admit that the cover of this book was what originally drew me in. I absolutely loved it and knew I wanted to read the story. While there were some cute moments here in Beyond the Stars by Stacy Wise, the story for me was just okay. It wasn't bad, but there wasn't really anything to stand out to me either. 

Jessica Beckett was looking forward to spending the year abroad in Paris, but life had other plans. Forced to stay in Hollywood, her talent agent aunt gets her a job as an assistant to one of Hollywood's hottest actors. While most girls would jump at the opportunity to work for Jack McAlister, Jessica can't wait until she can get back to school and her life. Jack is very private and things between them don't get off on the right foot. But the more time they spend around each other, the more they begin to realize that there is more to each of them than they expected. 

I had a tough time liking Jack at first. He was pretty much a jerk to Jessica for the first 25-50% of the book, and I honestly began to wonder if I would like him at all. He did have a lot more beneath his surface, yet he made a lot of assumptions and didn't handle things well. Jessica was easier to like, and I think part of that was because we got her POV. I would have loved to have seen Jack's, as I think that could have helped immensely when it came to his character. I will say that while I did see these two becoming friendlier over the course of the book, I really felt like I didn't see much development when it came to their feelings. Jessica's seemed stronger, but they were also pretty instant. I really just felt like things were surface deep here, and I didn't really believe that these two had been falling in love or that at the end they actually were in love. I just didn't see it happen, and for the majority of this story they weren't even really hanging out much or doing anything besides her acting as his assistant. 

Overall, there were some cute moments but the story just wasn't there. I felt like we never saw the emotional connection or development that we needed to fully believe in these two, and by the time that there was any progress the book was over. The epilogue especially seemed to be rushed and unbelievable. It seemed to come out of nowhere and I really didn't understand the jump from the last chapter to the events in the epilogue. It just seemed far too quick for something like that, especially since I wasn't sold on them even being in love at that point. I think that this story had potential and some things I really enjoyed, but this one could have been great had it been executed differently. If you are a NA fan or like the actor/PA trope, this is one worth giving a shot.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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