
Saturday, February 13, 2016

ARC Review: The Groom Wore Plaid by Gayle Callen

This is Gayle Callen’s second book of the Highland Weddings series; I wish I read the first one. Not just because it sounds like a really good book but starting this one felt like I jumped into the book and missed the first couple of chapters. I don’t think it is absolutely necessary that you read the first one; she does a good job of bringing what happened previously up naturally in conversation. I just felt like I missed out on something. Gayle Callen has a wonderful writing style; the story was entertaining and enjoyable. I loved Maggie, she completely made the story on the other hand Owen was a dick. In most cases I love a stubborn man, but Owen just rubbed me the wrong way. I could see that he was trying to be a good clan chief and lord to his people and prove himself to be better than his father, but when it came to Maggie he was a dick. It took almost to the end of the book for Owen to start redeeming himself. I loved the secondary cast, I look forward to Cat’s story, and the end was a little predictable.

The McCallum and the Duff clans have been bitter enemies for centuries. A peace treaty was put together when Duff’s daughter was born, she was arranged to marry McCallum’s eldest boy. But everything went wrong. (Read The Wrong Bride for more details) Now Maggie McCallum and Owen, Earl Aberfoyle, Duff are getting married to complete the terms of the peace treaty. Owen and Maggie were once friends in their younger days. But both of their feelings went deeper than friendship and Owen broke Maggie’s heart when he admitted that he was already betrothed through an arranged marriage. Maggie is special, when she has very vivid dreams they always come true, and after finding out about Owen’s betrothal she dreamed the girl’s death. Maggie facing her fears confided in Owen only to be called jealous and a liar. From that point Maggie trained herself never to have another dream. That all changed the first night Maggie came to Castle Kinlochard.

In her dream Maggie saw Owen bleeding to death on their wedding day. Maggie was convinced that she could not marry Owen. She started to execute a plan to make him change his mind about marring her. She also studied all the law books in his library trying to find a way out or a loophole to get her out of the marriage. Maggie never stopped loving Owen and because of that she doesn’t want him to die. She even confided in him her dream but Owen still didn’t believe her about her prophetic dreams. Owen to his own admittance doesn’t love nor can he love Maggie but he won’t stop until she is his and has her love and trust in return. Poor Maggie not only having to deal with the stubborn Owen is faced with the blind hatred most of his clan feels toward her just because her last name is McCallum. Someone has been acting out trying to scare her away, but as much as Maggie wants to save Owen she will not leave until the contract is between the two clans is fulfilled.

Overall, this was a good read. I loved Maggie and her relationship with her family. The interactions between the characters were well done and even though Owen kinda redeemed himself he’s still a dick in my book. Maybe I’ll see him in a different light when he isn’t the main focus and just a secondary character, hopefully in Cat’s book.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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  1. Very excited about this book. The first in the series was awesome. I enjoy Gayle/Emma's books. DELICIOUS!
