
Monday, August 8, 2016

ARC Review: Dangerously Red by Kristin Miller

Dangerously Red is 54 pages so I must return back to the rant I gave when I read Part I. These installments are really really short and I just don't know how I feel about that. In Part III, it's kind of ok because Part III is like an entire book by itself. In fact, the entire story up until this point is told in Part III, you wouldn't have even needed to read the other two books to understand exactly what happens. But, don't skip those or you will be missing out on some major hotness.

There isn't much I can tell you because the book was really short. Ivy finally makes her decision, Reaper reconciles his past and decides on his future and Lukas does crazy Alpha ish. Because all the craziness leading up to this point really does get resolved in this installment, it feels really rushed. Like the story doesn't really unfold. You basically learn everything about everything from one conversation. That would have been ok but there was no lead in to the information that gets revealed. It's kind of like, you are listening to someone talk about ice cream and all of a sudden they start telling you the secret to thermodynamic energy. You're like, whoa, whoa, where did that come from?

For all of those of you who are fans of the erotic content in this series, don't worry because there is still plenty of that. Fortunately, Ivy also seems more stable in her choices and not like she is just led around by her libido with no discretion. I don't know how I feel about this whole experience in this book. It all takes place in one night and in like 150 pages so far. Part of me feels like there needs to be more to the series, but another part of me feels like this whole trip needs to be over. If you were a fan of the series, you will probably like this. For me, it was just ok.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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