
Friday, March 24, 2017

ARC Review: Con Man by T. Torrest

I will be honest, I am still trying to get my thoughts together after reading Con Man by T. Torrest. The first thing I will say is that I have mixed feelings about this story. While it was a good story, it wasn't at all what I expected. The blurb and cover are what really sold me, but this book is not what the blurb would lead you to believe.

I really can't go into details of this story without spoiling it, so I will have to be a little vague. Lucas Taggart is a former geek that is now hot. He helps ugly ducklings gain confidence through an eight week program. The one thing he doesn't do is date his clients. But when he meets Ainsley Carrington, he is immediately drawn to her though she has signed up for his program. The problem is that Ainsley doesn't need it, and Lucas can't help but want her. Lucas finds himself needing some help, and luckily his friend Mia is there for him. 

I did like the characters here and I wanted to love their story. Unfortunately though, I felt completely mislead and that really made it tough to feel invested in the story or happy with the outcome. If I had known the way things were going, I feel like I could have felt entirely different and maybe even loved this book. That being said though, I really don't like it when authors completely mislead you with a blurb and then switch it up on you for shock value. While I am all for twists and turns, this wasn't just a case of being surprised by events of the story but it really felt like a bait and switch situation. I just couldn't get past that and it really soured me on the story altogether. Again, this wasn't a bad story. It just wasn't what it would have you believe at first and for me that was a huge issue. I do think that some readers will really like this one though, and for those that think that this one sounds good I would say to give it a shot. Just because I had some problems here with how things went down doesn't mean that it won't be one you love.

**ARC Provided by Give Me Books Promotions**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N


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