
Saturday, March 25, 2017

Guest Post with Doe Deere

Doe Deere Is Sprinkling The Cosmetics Industry With Color

Doe Deere has made a successful makeup empire with her creative talents as well as her shrewd business sense. She came to love fashion and makeup at an early age. She realized then that there was a market for things related to fashion. She even sold temporary tattoos as a young girl and she would convince her friends to buy them so that they would be fresh and trendy. She later moved to the United States and began a career in music. She was able to further pursue her fashion interests as a musician. The two seemed to go hand in hand for her. She began to create her own cosmetics when she realized that she was going to have a very difficult time finding makeup that would be colorful enough to satisfy her taste for bright colors. 

Once she began selling her makeup products she quickly began making a name for herself. She named her Ebay store Lime Crime and the name has stuck since then. She even had a YouTube channel where she regularly gave makeup tutorials and created a very large fan base. Through a combination of creativity and marketing skill, she was able to build her brand into one of the fastest growing online companies in the country. Lime Crime has become a household name and is known for producing cruelty-free, high-quality makeup products. They have multiple lines of both eye and lips colors that have become incredibly popular. One of the most appealing aspects of Lime Crime cosmetics is that they come in every color of the rainbow. They have everything ranging between neutral to fluorescent colors and everything in between. Lime Crime is for the individual that is trying to make a statement through the use of color.

Doe Deere is very hands-on with the creation of her cosmetic products. Just as in the beginning of the company, she is in the lab helping to create new products. She even tests them on herself before she releases them to the public. Lime Crime cosmetics are also dermatologist tested. When she isn't in the lab, she can be found working with her corporate and marketing teams to create effective and eye-catching campaigns to reach her customers both new and loyal. In addition, she is a fan of helping female entrepreneurs to reach their business goals and mentors them in her spare time. She believes that if you are passionate and follow your dreams that you can achieve anything that you set out to do.

Learn more about Doe Deere here:


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