
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Interview with Author Adele Dubois and Giveaway

Please welcome author Adele Dubois to RFTC. Adele is here to answer some questions.

Adele Dubois is happiest when driving her convertible with the top down. She is a multi-published, award-winning author of erotic romance novels, novellas and short stories. Before turning to fiction, Adele wrote for newspapers and magazines in the USA, Caribbean and UK.

Adele is a PAN member of Romance Writers of America and past president of her local RWA chapter. When not at the beach or by the bay, Adele and her husband and family enjoy their eastern Pennsylvania home where she is working on her next novel.

Places to find Adele:
| Site | Facebook | Twitter

First off, can you tell us a bit about you? 
Thank you for hosting me as we celebrate the release of SMOKIN’ HOT FIREMEN. I’m thrilled to be a part of this exciting anthology. My name is Adele Dubois, and I’ve been published most of my life, but began writing erotic romance in 2006.

My first erotic novel was published the following year, and I’ve been writing romantic fiction ever since. A selection of my books is listed on my website at

Did you always want to be a writer? 
Yes. I knew I wanted to write for publication at around age 10. I used to lie on the floor of my bedroom and write stories and poems in a composition book with a Number 2 pencil. I dreamed of seeing my work in the children’s magazines I loved. In high school, one of my favorite English teachers took me aside and encouraged me to pursue creative writing. She might be happy to know that my first short story was published in a Sunday news magazine at age 19. After college, I wrote features, news stories, and columns for newspapers and magazines while holding down a “real” job. Though I write fiction full-time these days, I still like to write non-fiction sometimes. I satisfy that need with articles for Romance Writers Report (RWR) magazine, the trade publication of Romance Writers of America.

What kind of writer are you? Panster or Plotter?
I’m a hybrid. Before I start writing a story, I create detailed profiles of my characters. Then I search for pictures on the Internet that reflect my setting and print them out. I also write a synopsis to use as a roadmap. Everything goes into a file folder on my desk that I refer to as needed. Once I have the framework set, I begin to write. The story is written organically. The real fun is uncovering the plot twists and turns I didn’t expect to happen.

Where do your ideas come from?
This is a popular question, and I think people ask it because they’re interested in how the creative mind works. I can only say that ideas come to me all the time. They just pop into my head. When I sit down to write, story simply…happens. The hard part is making that story interesting to others.

Some people are naturals when it comes to music, art, photography, acting, gardening, or the culinary arts. They seem born to it. I’ve never been drawn to those things except as a fan, an appreciative observer, or a hobbyist. Writing is the only art form I’ve ever truly loved and felt compelled to pursue.

A la Twitter style, can you describe your book (or series) in 140 characters or less. 
HOOK ME UP: A stranded kitten gets her half-naked owner stuck in a tree until a hunky fireman comes to their rescue.

What are some of your favorite kinds of stories to read? 
I really enjoy mainstream and contemporary romance novels with layered plots, or page turning thrillers and mysteries.

Do you have a favorite book and if so what is it? 
There are soooo many great books to love. If I only get to pick one, though, it would be MEMOIRS OF A GEISHA by Arthur Golden. The writing is lyrical and the story is gripping, told convincingly from the female protagonist’s point of view.

What are the scenes that are the hardest for you to write?
Love scenes are always the hardest, because they must be imbued with emotion to succeed. In order to make the chemistry sizzle, they also require careful choreography, though the scenes should give the illusion of spontaneity.

If you could have dinner with any three authors, who would you choose and why? 
Since I have friends in Romance Writers of America, I’m fortunate to enjoy lunch or dinner with lots of talented authors on a regular basis. We keep each other nourished creatively. I’d probably have a total fan girl anxiety experience if I sat down with Stephen and Tabitha King and Laurell K. Hamilton. They’d end up talking to each other, because I’d be tongue tied.

Last question, are you working on anything right now? 
Oh, yes, I’m always working. I have several projects in various stages of completion. I hope readers will look for more of my short stories in Delilah Devlin’s erotic anthologies from Cleis Press. HIGH OCTANE HEROES, which includes my story Natural Appetites, will release in September 2013.

I’m also excited to introduce my alter ego, Adele Downs, to readers later this year. My debut contemporary romance with Entangled Publishing, SANTA TO THE RESCUE, will release in November 2013. This firefighter romance is PG-13 rated and will cost only .99. Anyone from ages Young Adult to the Senior Center will be able to read and afford SANTA TO THE RESCUE. I’m hoping this fun and flirty Christmas story will become a holiday favorite.

Adele Dubois is giving away a FIREMAN HELMET & HOSE Christmas ornament to one lucky commenter in the USA or Canada. (After you read Adele’s story “Hook Me Up” in SMOKIN’ HOT FIREMEN you’ll understand the significance of the helmet. LOL. ) To be automatically entered to win the ornament, please answer the following (easy!) question:
How likely or unlikely is it that you’ll buy books from the same author, written under different pen names? Please explain.

Who can melt any woman's heart with a single smile? The sexiest icon of all—a fireman!

They enter fiery structures with selfless courage-the very definition of the word “hero.” Women understand their allure… A soot-covered face, sweat dripping from hard, chiseled muscles, the sharp snap of suspenders—yes, only a fireman can make suspenders sexy! Delilah Devlin's burning-hot book includes thrilling stories teeming with gorgeous firemen from some of today's hottest romance writers. In “Saving Charlotte,” Sabrina York's firefighting Dom rescues a woman tied to a red-hot bed; from Cathryn Fox comes “Temperature Rising” where a fire chief fulfills some very steamy fantasies; Elle James's “Chasing Fire” sees a daring smoke-jumper parachuting into the hot zone of a forest fire then setting his girlfriend ablaze with erotic heat; and Magic Mike ain't got nothin' on Delilah's own fireman-turned-exotic-dancer-for-a-night “Johnny Blaze.”

With a list of award-winning authors that includes Ily Goyanes, Shoshanna Evers, Adele Dubois, and Rachel Firasek, Delilah delivers tales of these courageous men sliding down their big poles to steal readers' hearts! Smokin' Hot Firemen imagines the romantic possibilities of being held against that massively muscled chest by a man whose mission is to protect and serve…

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble |

HOOK ME UP by Adele Dubois

Knox groaned as he climbed into the cab of Engine Number 6 on weary legs and started the engine. They'd pulled another all-nighter in a neighboring community where an arsonist torched a second row of houses. It had taken ladders from four adjacent towns to put the fires out. “At least we have beds to go home to. It's a shame about all those families.”

Frank buckled his seat belt, riding shotgun. “When the FBI catches the bastard, I want to kick his ass before they haul him away.” He emphasized his point with a terse nod of his dark head.

“Get in line.” Knox turned right at the next intersection and headed south. Their station sat smack in the middle of apple orchard country in Southeastern Pennsylvania. The trees were just beginning to bud and in another month apple blossoms would decorate every neighborhood in town. Just the sight of his hometown in the distance eased the tension in his neck and the kinks in his shoulders. Knox had never lived anywhere else and couldn't imagine ever wanting to leave Appleton. A wife, a few kids, and a promotion to captain would make life here just about perfect.

The flash of something out-of-synch with the earth toned landscape slid past his peripheral vision, easing his foot off the accelerator by reflex. “Did you see that?” Knox checked his mirrors, tapped the brakes, and slowed.

“See what, bro?” Frank stretched to look outside his window.

“That slash of purple inside the old apple tree we passed back there. Like it was falling.” Knox pulled over. “My gut tells me something isn't right.”

“Turn around when I give the go.” Frank hopped out of the truck and walked around to direct traffic. Only two cars passed inside the residential neighborhood. Frank gave the all clear and Knox reversed the fire truck with a three-point turn. The backup signals pierced the still morning air. Frank hopped on the rear and held the ladder as Knox moved forward.

Several houses down, Knox found what he was looking for—a tidy lawn with the oldest apple tree he'd ever seen growing from the center. A modest white house stood in its shade.

Knox got out of the truck and stood on the sidewalk, craning his neck to inspect the apple branches while Frank came up behind him. Knox heard the sobs at the same time he spied the purple patch near the tree's highest limb. Knox pointed. “There.” Adrenaline kicked in, erasing his earlier weariness. He ran to the truck to grab a hook and a coil of rope and bolted into the yard.

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs For Entire Tour:
  • 1 lucky winner will win a $50 Amazon Gift Card
  • 1 lucky winner will win a Fireman Themed Ornament

To Enter: 
  • Please answer the question: How likely or unlikely is it that you’ll buy books from the same author, written under different pen names? Please explain.
  • Please leave your email address along with your comment to be entered.
  • Giveaway ends July 26th.

Good Luck! 


  1. I absolutely would buy books from different pen names, as long as it's a genre I would normally read to begin with. If I like an author, I like the author. lcminer at windstream dot net

    1. Thanks for stopping by to play, Leslie!


  2. It would depend on what the other genre was they were writing under. I don't read every genre but I might be interested in giving it a try. It's the authors writing style I like and it usually shows no matter what name they write under.

    1. Hi Susan! In my case, my pen names will separate my erotic stories from my mainstream contemporaries. Thanks for stopping by!


  3. I'm not sure about this whole pen name thing..why not pick a name and stick with it?
    lorimitchell257 at yahoo dot com

    1. Hi Lori! I grappled with that decision, but decided to separate my erotic stories from my mainstream works so that readers would know exactly what to expect when they picked up one of my books. Since I kept the first name the same with both pen names (Adele is my real name), I figured I wouldn't be hard to find.

      Thanks for playing!


  4. I will if it is a genre I like to read. If an author writes adult books under one name and then YA or YA paranormal under another I will not be interested.

    1. I understand what you mean about the genre.

      Thanks for stopping by!


  5. Don't know what happened to my comment. :)
    But I'll try again. f I like an Author and thy write under a pen name I'm always going to try it out except for Horror. Don't like that genre. :) I figure if I love the way they write and create they are going to do the same under another name and genre.
    Thanks for the opportunity Adele.
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

    1. Hi Carol! Glad you were able to repost. I appreciate hearing your perspective. Thanks for sharing!


  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. If I really love an author's books, I really don't mind her AKA names. I figure that her style of writing will be the same! The problem I have, is to keep track of all their names, some have three! thank you!

    1. Hi Nicole! I promise not to write under more than two pen names. Since I'm keeping my first name the same, I hope that makes it easy for readers to find me.

      Thanks for visiting and commenting.


  8. I will if it is a genre I like to read

    1. Sounds fair to me, Laurie. Thanks for stopping by to share.


  9. If I like an author I will buy her book no matter what name she uses, unless she starts writing a genre that I'm not interested in.


    1. This is good information for an author to know. Thanks! Nice to meet you.


  10. If I'm a fan of an author, I will buy their books under any name. Themes or genres may change but talent always shines through.

    1. Oooops, time for my Ginko.


    2. Ahhh, love your comment about talent, Sebella. Thanks for sharing!


  11. I think I would if I like the writer. Their writing should hopefully still be great....

    maybe31 at yahoo,com

    1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and stopping by to play!


  12. I definitely would read the same author under different pen names, as long as I am interested in the genre. I think authors have their distinct writing style, no matter what genre or pen name they write in. That is why I always read books by certain authors.

    1. I agree with you about writing style, Marcy. That's why I'm hoping readers will find my books under both Adele pen names.

      Thanks for playing!


  13. I would if it's the same type of genre that I normally read. Thanks for the giveaway.

    Melanie J

    1. Good to know, Melanie! Thanks for visiting and posting.


  14. I've read several authors under different pen names - sometimes I've known, but sometimes I didn't realize it until later. I'm not stuck on one genre, I just want good writing and an enjoyable read. But for those who are more specific as to what they want to read it is probably nice if the distinction by pen name is made so they don't get upset if the genre is very different.

    sallans d at yahoo dot com

    1. Hi Di--I share your view that different pen names let readers know to expect a distinction in some way. For me, that means one pen name for erotic romances and another for mainstream contemporaries. I hope my strategy works!


  15. It's pretty likely I would buy books by authors using different pen names as long as the book blurb drew me in. And, in all probability, I wouldn't know until after the fact.

    1. Hi Karen--Those book blurbs really do make a difference. Thanks for stopping by to share!


  16. I have read a lot of authors under different pen names and in different genres. It's the standard of the writing I enjoy not the name on the cover (though the name does help me find more of the same in the end :D)

    1. Hi Ilona--Love your logic! It makes perfect sense. Thanks for sharing!


  17. Usually when I fall in love with an author, it is for the writing style so I have no problem trying their works in a different genre unless it is something I don't normally read (like horror). Thanks so much for interview (and for the vivid story of what we animal servants get into trouble doing, trying to 'rescue' our furpersons).

    elewkf1 at yahoo dot com

    1. I'm glad to know you appreciate my kittycat-in-peril plot point, Elf.

      Thanks for sharing your perspective.


  18. I definitely would. I actually have. As long as I like the books they are writing I don't mind reading under different pen names.

    1. I was hoping readers would say that, Mary. ")

      Thanks for playing!


  19. If I enjoy the author's work, what's in a name?


    1. Exactly! Your comment made me smile.


  20. I read a lot of authors who write in different genres. In fact, I've started reading different genres because of favorite authors whom I've read elsewhere. I really like it!


    1. Ah, music to my ears, Rebe! Thanks for leaving your comment.


  21. I never really understood why authors write under different pen names but if I like an author I really don't care what pen name they use because I know the writing will be just as good as always. An author's talent isn't measured by the name they use. Thank you for the interview and giveaway!

    Wanda Barefoot

    1. Hi Wanda-- I'm adding a pen name for my mainstream contemporary romances to distinguish them from my erotic romances. It's a way to expand my reader base and separate the spicy hot from the flirty.

      Thanks for visiting and posting a comment!


  22. Great cover and excerpt!

    1. Thank you, Mary Jo! Glad you stopped by.


  23. not likely if i didnt know who they were

    1. LOL. That's why we authors have to promote what we do.

      Thanks for visiting and posting!


  24. If they are good sounding stories, I'd buy them.

    1. Oops...forgot...
      suegaluska (at) yahoo (dot) com

    2. Oh yes, give me a good story with good writing any time.

      Thanks for playing!


  25. Likely! If I love an author's books and I find out she writes under another name then I go looking for those books as well, especially if the type of books I read, if it is a whole other genre and I don't usually read those, I will at least try one. Thanks for sharing and for the great giveaway. evamillien at gmail dot com

    1. Hi Eva--I was hoping readers would say that! Thanks for your positive feedback.


  26. I usually always buy an author's books if I find out that they write under a different pen name also.
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

    1. Great answer, Natasha! Thanks for playing.


  27. For me, it's pretty likely--if I enjoy an author's writing, it's often true that her voice/style will carry over elements in a way I appreciate, so I usually make it a point to try other pennames, as long as I like the genres. Good question, Adele!

    1. Good answer, Fedora! ") Thanks for stopping by to play.


  28. If it's an author I really like, I will definitely buy the other books written under a pen name. I'm a glutton for good books!! Congrats Adele on the newest release! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks for your fun reply and congrats! Nice chatting with you.


  29. Sure I'd buy books written by a author under different names as long as they are the genre I like.

    1. I feel the same way, Lori. So glad you agree. Thanks for stopping by to comment.


  30. Adele, if I like an author's writing style and stories, I would be inclined to buy more from that author even under a different pen name. Obviously, the way the author spins her tales, her style, would be the same. It would just be the subject matter and type of character that would be different. The only time I would avoid it is if the pen name wrote BDSM or gay/lesbian stories. I will not read those. Anyway, I'm glad I "met" you today on this blog. Thanks for the chance!

    1. I'm glad to have met you too, Janice! Thanks for visiting and posting your viewpoint. I agree with you!


  31. It's very likely if I like the author -- however, I will wonder why they decided to publish under a pen name and will take that under consideration as to whether or not I will like the books.

    1. Woopsie... amzpar[at]gmail[dot]com

    2. Hi Arely--Thanks for your reply to my question. In my case, I've decided to separate my erotic romances from my mainstream contemporary romances with two pen names.

      Glad you stopped by!


  32. It's knowing that an author writes under different names. Most times I find out by accident.


    1. Hi Mary--Exactly right! Getting the word out is important.

      Thanks for playing!


  33. Aww the fireman themed ornament is super cute!

    andralynn7 AT gmail DOT com

  34. Thanks, Andra Lyn! Glad you like it!


  35. The pen names don't matter, but I do have genres that I prefer. Since some authors use different pen names for the different genres they write, that might mean they have pen names that I won't read.
    jmcgaugh (at) semo (dot) edu

    1. Fair enough, JM. I think genres are a major consideration too.

      Thanks for stopping by!


  36. For me, it depends on the genre the author is writing under her other pen-name. I might be a fan of her writing, but it is primarily within my favorite genre. Several of my favorite authors write contemporary books under a different name. I prefer the historical romances they write best.

    kareninnc at gmail dot com

    1. Hi Karen--Genre seems to be a main consideration for readers, which is understandable.

      Thanks for playing!


  37. Well I'm in with most of the previous comments. If I like an author I will read under any pen-name they use if it fits into the genres I'm most interested in reading. On occasion I've found myself stepping outside of my most read genres to read a favorite author, and in turn found new series to enjoy that I'd otherwise miss. Thanks for stopping by!


  38. Good points, Melissa! Thank you, too, for playing!


  39. If I like the book I read I will definitely get more books from that same author. I tend to always pick the ones I already know, and I also find more authors from friends & family recommendations!

    1. Great to know. Thank you, Stefanie! I appreciate you stopping by.


  40. Thanks for the excerpt.
    magic5905 at embarqmail dot com

  41. Many thanks to my gracious host for allowing me to celebrate SMOKIN' HOT FIREMEN on this terrific blog.

    Thank you, readers, for stopping by to visit and play. It's been fun meeting you.




    I will contact you personally for shipping arrangements.

    Thank you for playing!

