
Thursday, September 26, 2024

ARC Review: Play the Game by SJ Sylvis

Play the Game is book one in the Blue Devils Hockey series by SJ Sylvis. This book is a standalone story, but fans of her Bexley U series will recognize some familiar faces here. I really enjoyed this one, and I think a lot of readers will as well.

Emory and Scottie’s story starts off to a not so great start, but they quickly find themselves in a marriage of convenience. She needs money and he needs help cleaning up his image. Soon they find themselves having very real feelings for each other though. 

There is a ton of chemistry between these two. I felt it right away and it just got stronger throughout this book. I really liked both Emory and Scottie. They were strong and independent, yet worked perfectly together. They were so hot together, and the amount of “my wife” moments in this book was everything you could possibly hope for! Emory is definitely the kind of character romance readers can’t help but fall for right along with the heroine. 

Overall, another great read from SJ Sylvis! I really enjoyed this book and I can’t wait for Rhodes to get his story next! Hot single dad and nanny, sign me up! I know this series is going to be just as fantastic as Bexley U was, and I can’t recommend SJ Sylvis and her hockey hotties enough!

**ARC Provided by Valentine PR**

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Thursday, September 19, 2024

ARC Review: The Rules of Dating A Younger Man by Vi Keeland & Penelope Ward

The Rules of Dating A Younger Man is the 4th book in the Laws of Opposites Attract series from Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward. Each book is a standalone story about one guy from a group of friends and the lucky lady that wins each of their hearts. This group of friends is one that I have been obsessed with since the very first book, and I just love them all so much. I highly recommend reading each book if you can because they are really great stories, and seeing them each fall in love  over the course of this series has been so enjoyable.

This book is Brayden’s story. He is the least involved with the building the group owns in the city, but runs the Ryan’s House charity. It was so great to see him so passionate about helping others and using his resources for good. I really felt connected to him here, and fell even more for him as I read this book. He is just such a great guy, and I loved how sweet and caring he was. His maturity level and good head on his shoulders made it impossible not to fall for him! This is probably why I struggled a bit with Alex from time to time. I understood some of where she was coming from, but Brayden was just so amazing it was hard to see how she couldn’t see it also!

I didn’t see the twist coming, and while Alex’s way of dealing with it was not my favorite, it made me like her more. I got a new understanding and appreciation for her that I really needed. I did feel like Alex and Brayden had strong chemistry and a great connection. They fit well together and it was easy to see why their connection was so easy and genuine. 

Overall, this one was really good and I enjoyed it a lot. Brayden is worth the read all by himself, but I really liked him and Alex together and it was great to catch up with the group and see familiar faces! I can’t wait to see what Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward write next! They are such great authors alone, and when you get to read one of their co-writes it is guaranteed to be a great read! Their styles blend seamlessly and they are probably my favorite author duo ever. Another winner here, I can’t recommend their books enough!

**ARC Provided by Give Me Books**

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Thursday, August 29, 2024

ARC Review: The Rocker's Muse by Penelope Ward

Penelope Ward is an auto-buy author for me and has been for years! I always look forward to her books and they never disappoint! The Rocker’s Muse was no exception! This one was such a great read, and once I started I didn’t want to put this one down.

Tristan and Emily’s story starts when Emily finds herself going on tour with Tristan’s famous rock band. Despite the age difference, Emily and Tristan find themselves drawn to each other from their very first meeting and their connection continues to grow as they spend time together on tour. What Tristan doesn’t know is that Emily has a secret that changes everything. 

These two had such a genuine and easy connection. I loved seeing them get to know one another and how natural it was, despite the fifteen years that separated them. They were supportive of one another and really helped the other in ways that no one else could. Penelope Ward made it so easy to feel connected to Tristan and Emily throughout the story, and it feels like the reader is right there with the characters experiencing everything that the characters were. 

The Rocker’s Muse had so many great moments that I honestly wanted to keep reading, while also wanting to slow down and savor each bit of the story for as long as I could. While there were some really emotional parts of the story, there were so many lighthearted and funny moments as well. I always enjoy Penelope’s books and this one was one of her best! Tristan and Emily will definitely be characters I think of in the future, and I have no doubt i’ll be reading this one again to revisit them at times! I am already anxious for her next book and I think readers are going to really enjoy this one like I did. You can’t go wrong with anything Penelope writes alone or with her co-author, Vi Keeland. If you haven’t read anything by Penelope, you are truly missing out and The Rocker’s Muse is a great place to start!

**ARC Provided by Give Me Books**

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Wednesday, August 28, 2024

ARC Review: Tempest by Alison Rhymes

Alison Rhymes was a new-to-me author at the beginning of this year and since starting with Rainfall, I have binged her entire backlist! She is definitely my favorite find of the year, and I cannot recommend her books enough! I was so excited to get the next installment of the Seattle Blades series, with each book being an interconnected standalone you can read each without starting at the beginning. I definitely recommend reading them all though as they are fantastic!

One of the reasons that I love Alison’s books is that each one has a bit of heartbreak and angst to them that the characters have to overcome to get to their HEA. Tempest was no exception and I absolutely could not put it down! I won’t spoil any of the story as I really love the experience of Alison’s books and believe they are best experienced blindly with the reader taking the journey without spoilers. 

What I will say though is that I absolutely loved Gavin and Odette. These two had a strong connection and life got in the way as it often does. They end up finding themselves back in the same city years later, with Odette becoming a mentor to his daughter. They quickly discover that time and distance don’t always dull feelings, regardless of the circumstances that kept them apart. 

Gavin and Odette had so much chemistry. You could really feel the connection and heat between them. I loved seeing them get to know one another after their years apart and I really felt like I could relate to both of them. Odette was so strong and inspiring and I loved her interactions with Gavin’s daughter. Gavin was a really great guy and it was easy to see why he made the choices he did. I really think readers will love this one as much as I did. The characters are impossible not to fall for and the story is captivating from start to finish. One of the best books I’ve read this year, I highly recommend Tempest and honestly any and all books from Alison Rhymes.

**ARC Provided by Wordsmith Publicity**

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Thursday, August 15, 2024

ARC Review: Beating Heart by Laura Pavlov


I absolutely love the Magnolia Falls series by Laura Pavlov! Each book is an interconnected standalone story. While each can be read on its own, I highly recommend starting at the beginning if you haven’t already started this series. Not only are each of these books fantastic, but you really get to know the characters and their personalities throughout the series and see the growth and progression for each one. This has definitely been one of my all-time favorite romance series to read, and each book just keeps getting better!

I have to say that I had such high hopes for Beating Heart seeing as my favorite character from this entire series has been Cutler! I knew his dad Nash’s story would heavily feature him, and I couldn’t wait for it! It not only delivered all I had hoped for, but so much more! This one was just such a great story even beyond Cutler and Nash being front and center. I loved Emerson so much, she has definitely been my favorite heroine of the series! This book  just delivered the perfect amount of heat and steam, but also a genuine and undeniable connection between the characters. I really felt like I was invested from page one and right there with each of them through every triumph and struggle. 

I wish I could go back and read this one again for the first time as it is definitely one of the best books I’ve read this year as well as my favorite of the Magnolia Falls series. I seriously cannot recommend this book or series enough. Nash and Emerson were everything  you could hope for, and Cutler is seriously my favorite fictional kid ever. Every scene he is in, he just steals the whole show! I hope we continue to get more of him, because I honestly can’t picture a world in which we aren’t getting little bits from him and seeing how he continues to grow up and tackle the world. I am really looking forward to the next book in this series, but while I wait, I know I'll be reading this one again! Beating Heart is a must read!!

**ARC Provided by Valentine PR**

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