
Saturday, October 27, 2018

ARC Review: Cut and Run by Mary Burton

I’ll take Texas Rangers for 500, Alex. This is high in suspense, light on the romance, full of twists and turns, and sisters separated at birth. What is Cut and Run, Alex? Yes! Sorry I have Weird Al’s I lost on Jeopardy stuck in my head. What I love about Mary Burton is her high tension suspense, the plot is just ingenious the separated twin thing has been done before but what she does with it is fantastic. This is her usual style of third person POV alternating from different characters so you get the full story.

Faith McIntyre and Macy Crow couldn’t have grown up more than 100 miles apart and lived very different lives. Faith grew up in a well off family never had to worry about anything made it through med school and became a medical examiner. Macy Crow was raised mostly by her mother with only summertime visits to her father who didn’t always work on the right side of the law. Macy grew up and became a FBI agent. They probably would never have even met if Macy’s father, Jack Crow, hadn’t of died and a young woman hadn’t of gone missing.

Texas Ranger Mitchell Hayden is a hard man a widower who never thought he would ever feel again started a no string attached strictly sex relationship with Faith. However when it becomes apparent the Faith is connected to the case and her life is threatened Hayden realizes his feelings go deeper than just lust. Macy comes down from DC for her father’s death but once she gets to her father’s scrap yard she finds out he was murdered to keep him quiet. Before even talking to the police Macy starts asking question it isn’t too long before she ends up in the hospital fighting for her life. Now it’s up to Faith and Hayden to discover the truth about what happened to Jack Crow and figure out the string of clues he left behind.

Overall, fantastic read I didn’t even touch onto half of what is involved in this book because too much would give it away. Lots of unexpected turns and an ending that half surprised me, because you know it’s never just one straight shot answer, it’s never that easy.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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Friday, October 26, 2018

ARC Review: Phoenix Unbound by Grace Draven

Phoenix Unbound is my first Grace Draven book, and all I can say is, "Why did I wait so long?!" It was a tad slow at parts, but after it was finished it made me feel all the things! It makes me want to grab some of her previous books and dive in right now while I impatiently wait for this series' sequel.

Gilene is an extraordinary girl put into a horrible situation. When I say extraordinary I not only mean she has rare magical powers, but I am also referring to her selfishness. Her small town of Beroe is under the control of the Empire. The Empire requires tithes of it's people in the form of a female sacrifice to the capital once a year. These unfortunate young women, who are called the Flowers of Spring, are forced to endure a night of rape, followed by a sacrificial burning to their Gods. Gilene's burden of fire magic makes her Beroe's annual sacrifice since she can save herself and repeat the trial year after year. This in turn saves her town from truly sending their women to die. But her magic comes with a painful price, and it is because of this selfless act for her town (a town that isn't very welcoming to the woman who saves them) that I admire her and believe her to be extraordinary.

Azarion has been dealt heaps of misfortune in his life that have led him to become a gladiator for the Empire. He is forced to entertain the masses by slaughtering other men and beasts. He has excelled in the arena and become the best, the Gladius Prime, but that unfortunately brings him to the attention of the Empress. She is bloodthirsty to her core, and demands more killing from Azarion only to reward him by raping him. He longs for the day to return to his people and seek vengeance on the ones who sold him to this slavery, but he sees no escape. That is until he sees through a Flower of Springs' illusion and her repetitive presence in the group of sacrifices. So he hatches a plan to break away from the empire with her help. Azarion is determined, and he is calculating. He also has a soft spot buried deep inside under his resolution to survive. When Gilene brings out that kindness, I began to fall for him myself.

These two characters are put into a terrible situation, and their actions are not always honorable. Azarion must blackmail Gilene into helping him, and forces her to leave with him. He has his reasons for his actions, but they are not immediately revealed to Gilene. She hates him for what he is doing to her, and potentially what he is then forcing her town to be subjected to. However, Grace Draven paced their understanding of each other and increasing affections perfectly. This indeed means a few slow parts in the book, but those portions were necessary and made everything so much better. I felt like I understood each character's thinking and reasonings, and it pulled me more and more into this story.

This romantic fantasy is a dark tale, but it makes the good moments shine all the brighter. I loved reading this book so much, and I am highly anticipating its sequels. It's exciting to find another gem in the Fantasy Romance genre. I know I say often how small a genre it is, but my hopes seem to be taking hold as I am finding more and more books within this genre every year. It makes me very happy and excited. Grace Draven has just earned herself a new fan!

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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Thursday, October 25, 2018

Guest Post with Author Tara Brown and Giveaway

The international bestselling author of Roommates and the Puck Buddies series, Tara Brown writes in a variety of genres. In addition to her comedic Single Lady Spy series, she has also published popular contemporary and paranormal romances, science fiction, thrillers, and romantic comedies. She especially enjoys writing dark and moody tales, often focusing on strong female characters who are more inclined to vanquish evil than perpetrate it. She shares her home with her husband, two daughters, two cats, an Irish wolfhound, and a Maremma Sheepdog. Find out more about Tara by visiting

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Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Feature and Giveaway: Between a Highlander and a Hard Place by Mary Wine

A fierce Englishwoman on the run.
A Highland Laird who needs a proper wife.
And a desire neither can resist.

Athena Trappes thinks she’s in love…until she discovers the scoundrel only wanted her as his bit on the side. Enraged, she does what any spirited Englishwoman would do: set fire to his belongings, incur his dangerous wrath, and flee—immediately. With nowhere else to turn, she seeks freedom in the wilds of Scotland.

Highland Laird Symon Grant lost his wife years ago, and it’s his duty to find another. Athena is not exactly what the clan has in mind for him, but Symon’s heart burns with unexpected passion for the woman who would risk everything to be free.

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Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Feature and Giveaway: Mistletoe Kisses by Marnie Blue

For Officer Justin Weaver, Christmas is the most hideous time of the year. To improve his “holiday cheer,” he’s been put on Officer Kringle duty, collecting toys for the Ho-Ho-Patrol.

It’s a week in holiday hell.

Worse, it comes with an elf—his little sister’s gorgeous best friend—but Lilly Maddox isn’t so little anymore. And as an annoyingly festive reporter looking to make her mark, she’s there to document his every move.

Justin’s always had a thing for Lilly, but he refuses to go there with her. Ever. Not after watching what his mom went through as a cop’s wife. But now that they’re trapped in his squad car, avoiding her just got a lot more complicated…

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Monday, October 22, 2018

Feature and Giveaway: A Brand New Ending by Jennifer Probst

Ophelia Bishop was a lovestruck teenage girl when she and Kyle Kimpton chased their dreams to Hollywood. Kyle’s dreams came true. Ophelia’s did not. When Kyle chose his career over their relationship, Ophelia returned home to rural New York to run the family’s B & B—wiser, and more guarded against foolish fantasies. Now Kyle has come crashing back into her life, and all her defenses are down.

Kyle can’t think of a better place to write his latest screenplay than his hometown. After all, that was where he met the heart of his inspiration—his first love. He knows the damage he’s caused Ophelia, and he wants a chance to mend their relationship. If anyone can prove to Ophelia that happy ever afters aren’t only for the movies, it should be him.

As much as Ophelia’s changed, she still has feelings for Kyle. But her heart has been broken before, and she knows that Kyle could run back to Hollywood at any time. She gave up her dreams once, but maybe she can dare to change her own love story…one last time.

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