Fated for Love is the most recent addition to the Love in Bloom series by Melissa Foster, and is the eighth Bradens book as well as book number sixteen in the series. I have really enjoyed all the books I have read in the series so far, and Fated for Love was no exception. I relly liked both Wes and Callie, and Callie's friends were so much fun. This book was enjoyable and sweet, but it also had its sexy moments as well. I highly recommend this series and the great thing about these books are that you can really start with any of them since they are standalones. I do think that they are great when read in order though and it adds so much to the experience by seeing how the characters and their lives progress with each book.
Callie Barnes moved away from Denver and her best friends in order to start her dream job of being a librarian in the small town of Trusty, Colorado. She looks forward to Thursdays when the sexy Wes Braden comes in to pick up her latest recommendations for him. Wes is the kind of guy that all the girls in town are after, and Callie finds it hard for her to even speak when he is around. She never thought that someone like him would be interested in her. When her friends take her away for the weekend she is expecting the spa retreat that they promised her, but when they arrive they have actually brought her to a dude ranch. When Callie finds out that it is actually owned by Wes and that he will be their wrangler for the weekend, she immediately regrets allowing her friends to talk her into staying. Callie struggles with her fears while Wes helps to guide her through many physically demanding activities all while supporting her and encouraging her. Soon Callie realizes that Wes wasn't so oblivious to her after all, and actually has been feeling the same thing for her as she was for him. As Callie and Wes confront their fears together, they learn to lean on each other and their new relationship while looking forward to their future together.
I really loved Wes. He was seriously one of the sweetest if not the sweetest book boyfriends I have ever read about. He was thoughtful and romantic, and I could not believe how great he was. He embraced his feelings with Callie, and didn't struggle with the changes that brought to his life at all. He was pretty much perfect in every way, and I really loved how great he was helping her through the week at the ranch. He was supportive and understanding, and you couldn't help but fall in love with him right along with Callie. Callie was brave and sweet, and I really liked seeing her outside her comfort zone. I loved her from the start, and felt like she was really easy to relate to. But it was so nice to see her trying new things and never giving up. She was great with Wes, and I thought that they were the perfect match together. They had a lot of chemistry, but they also had such a strong connection and you could see how emotionally tied to each other they were. They might have fallen for each other quickly, but it was so real and believable and I never questioned it for a second.
Overall, I thought that this book was really good. It was so much fun to read, and I adored Callie and her friends along with Wes. I also loved Wes's puppy Sweets. They were so cute together, and I loved how dedicated he was to taking care of her and loving her. I will say that this book was beyond sweet and romantic. While it was good, at times it felt like it was a little too good to be true. While there was passion and sexy times, it was for the most part overly sweet and adorable. I found it enjoyable, but I think that for some it might be too much. Callie and Wes were definitely the lovey type of couple that in real life you would love to see happy but also make you a little sick with how happy they are. I still would recommend this story and the rest of the series, especially to contemporary fans and fans of Melissa Foster and the Love in Bloom series. I think that these books never disappoint, and always leave you feeling happy and satisfied. I look forward to reading more about the Bradens and can't wait for the next book.
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