
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Weekly Winners

Below is a list of all of the winners from the past few weeks.

Mercy by HelenKay Dimon

Barbara S.
Boys Like You by Juliana Stone

Her Perfect Mate by Paige Tyler

Musings Reader
All the Boys I Ever Kissed by Marilyn Kelly

Playing It Close by Kat Latham

Elizabeth H.
Tempting the Bodyguard by Jennifer L. Armentrout

All winners have been notified via email. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and entered. =)

ARC Review: Where There's Smoke by Elizabeth Lee

I have become a huge fan of Elizabeth Lee's and I absolutely loved her Give Me Something series! So when I saw that she had a new book coming out, I didn't even need to read the blurb to know that I wanted to read this story. Where There's Smoke was so good, and I loved that it was completely different from not only what I have read by her but also by anyone else. Everything that I have come to love about Elizabeth's books was still there though, and this is another must read from her!

When Piper Jameson gets word from her sister that their mom is dying, she returns home after having left six years ago. She plans to get in and be out as soon as the funeral is over, while taking her sister away from her awful step-dad. She never expects to run into the only other person besides her sister that she regretted leaving behind. She knew that when she left Ryland that she was doing the right thing for him and his future, even if it meant breaking his heart as well as hers. But she never expected him to still be stuck in their small town when he had plans to attend Stanford and become an engineer. Ryland is still mad at Piper for leaving and doesn't want anything to do with her at this point, but he does want answers. But when Piper and Ryland continue to run into each other, they find out that they both had no idea of everything that had happened all those years ago. The love and connection they felt for each other is still there, but before they can explore the future that they both thought was lost they are forced to run with Piper's little sister. Can they figure things out between them and have a chance at a future together while on the run, or will their future be stolen from them once again?

I absolutely loved Ryland. He was smart and sweet, and just a genuinely good guy. He looked out for Piper's sister the entire time she was gone, even after everything that had happened. He was so caring and protective and he was willing to give up everything for Piper and her sister. He had been so hurt by Piper leaving and not ever getting into contact with him, but he still loved her anyways. Piper thought that she was doing the right thing and took the opportunity to get out when she could. She was really shocked to figure out that things were completely different than she had expected or planned, and I felt so bad for her and Ryland both because she had sacrificed a lot and he still ended up losing so much because of everything that happened. Piper might have made a bad choice to leave town even if for the right reasons, but she also was quick to return home as soon as her sister found her and that wasn't easy for her. I was glad that she had never moved on from Ryland and that she had never felt right with anyone else as Ryland also felt. It was so clear that they belonged together and that they loved each other so much. They were a great fit for each other, and they had such a strong connection even with their differences. I think that they were the perfect balance for each other and they had great chemistry!

I really loved not only Ryland and Piper, but also Piper's sister Hadley and Ryland's friend Luke. I am really excited to get to know those two better in the next book, There's Fire. These two will have a lot to overcome, and I am so anxious to see what happens for them. I love how Elizabeth Lee is able to write these beautifully flawed characters that are so real and believable, and make you become instantly invested in them. I always find myself lost in her stories, and I tend to finish them in one sitting because I just can't put them down. I love her writing style also, and her books just flow so well. I highly recommend anything by Elizabeth Lee, but Where There's Smoke is an absolute must read! I can't wait to read more from her in the future, and I will be waiting for There's Fire which is scheduled to release late this summer.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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Feature and Giveaway: Make It Count by Megan Erickson

Kat Caruso wishes her brain had a return policy, or at least a complaint hot-line. The defective organ is constantly distracted, terrible at statistics, and absolutely flooded with inappropriate thoughts about her boyfriend's gorgeous best friend, Alec...who just so happens to be her brand new college math tutor. Who knew nerd was so hot?

Kat usually goes through tutors like she does boyfriends--both always seem to bail when they realize how hopeless she is. It's safer for her heart to keep everyone at arm's reach. But Alec is always stepping just a little too close.

Alec Stone should not be fantasizing about Kat. She's adorable, unbelievably witty, and completely off limits. He'd never stab his best friend in the back...

But when secrets are revealed, the lines of loyalty are blurred. To make it count, Alec must learn messy human emotions can't be solved like a trigonometry function. And Kat has to trust Alec may be the first guy to want her for who she is, and not in spite of it.

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ARC Review: Make It Count by Megan Erickson

Make It Count is the first book that I have read by Megan Erickson, but being a NA junkie I just couldn't pass this one up. This one was hard for me to rate, because there were things that I liked and didn't like and my opinion of the book was constantly changing as I read it. Kat Caruso is a student who has always had to work harder to succeed than others. She is struggling with her statistics class and goes through tutors constantly. When her newest tutor happens to be her boyfriend Max's best friend and roommate Alec, Kat is immediately fearing the worst. Not only does she not want to be embarrassed, but she has also been feeling a pull towards him and can't deny that she is attracted to him. Alec has also been feeling the connection between them and knows that he needs to stop things before they go too far. After being betrayed by his ex-girlfriend he would never cross that line, especially with his best friend's girl. But as they get to know each other better and their feelings grow, they find it harder to fight the undeniable connection between them. When past secrets are revealed and obstacles they never imagined are placed in their way, can they find a way to get through everything together?

I liked Alec. He was sweet and helpful, and he was loyal. He was a great friend and struggled a lot with his feelings for Kat because he had been friends with Max for so long. I thought that he was really patient with Kat, and he was always trying to help her out. I felt like he made a few mistakes when it came to her and how he handled things, but honestly it was mostly age and the fact that he was a guy. He didn't understand what he was doing or how she was interpreting his actions. Kat I had some issues with. While I liked her strength and determination and how hard working she was, I felt like she would all too often forget that and become extremely insecure. It was like a complete personality shift, and gave me a bit of whiplash. She let Max treat her horribly and made excuses for him. I just didn't understand. I thought that she had a great connection with Alec, and they were great together. They had strong chemistry and you could feel their attraction. But honestly she jumped to a lot of conclusions with him, and didn't think about the fact that he was just trying to help her. What made it the worst was the fact that she didn't tell him how she was feeling or take the chance to be honest with him. I felt like so much of the conflict in this book could have been solved with a single conversation.

My other big problem with this story was that it felt like things were resolved way too easily. Almost every single problem that happened in this book was solved instantly with a single apology, and all of a sudden its forgotten. I just could not get behind that because it was just too unbelievable to me. After everything that went down with Max all of a sudden with an apology they are all friends and hanging out again, and Kat's parents did something horrible but its okay because they feel bad after their son yelled at them. It just was too easy. I thought that this story did deal with some important topics, but they kind of got lost with the weak conflicts and the cliches. This story was predictable, and while I would say it was enjoyable it isn't memorable to me. I think if you are looking for a light and easy read that has a happy ending that you might give this one a try. But if you are looking for a strong story with characters that have depth, this one might not be for you. The next book in this series is Max's story, and I am not sure how he will redeem himself after everything that he did. I might give it a go to see what happens with him, and hope that it goes better for me than this one did.

**ARC Provided by Edelweiss**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

ARC Review: Bad Karma in the Big Easy by D.J. Donaldson

Fair warning: D.J. Donaldson’s BAD KARMA IN THE BIG EASY (henceforth KARMA) is most definitely NOT a romance novel—it’s a straight-up mystery of the forensic persuasion. Before I discovered romance, crime fiction was my crack and Agatha Christie my dealer, so it’s no surprise that I sometimes take a break from sexytimes to return to my reading roots… even if I now favour forensics over the police procedural (Bones is one of the few television shows I watch). KARMA is in fact the (new) seventh entry in an old series of mysteries that feature the (sort of) crime-fighting team of New Orleans chief medical examiner Andy Broussard and forensic psychologist/suicide investigator Kit Franklyn, but it can be read and enjoyed as a standalone. Though not a lighthearted read—it’s set in New Orleans after the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, features some truly disturbing crimes, and includes fairly graphic descriptions of procedures done on cadavers for autopsy and identification purposes—KARMA is an engaging mystery written in a breezy, approachable style that made the pages seemingly melt away and had me repeatedly going for “just one more chapter”.

KARMA opens with Broussard finally able to take a breather from the round-the-clock work of putting names to the more than 800 bodies left in Katrina’s wake and delve more deeply into three bodies that have piqued his interest: young, naked, with little visible evidence of drowning and antemortem bruises near the nose and mouth, and found together in the floodwaters of the Ninth Ward. At the same time, Kit Franklyn is called to the scene of a gruesome suspected suicide and tasked with determining whether foul play was involved. What begins as two separate investigations quickly turns into a tangled web of WTFery (of the ‘this-is-so-messed-up-but-scarily-plausible’ kind, not the ‘what-was-the-author-smoking’ kind) that has Kit and Broussard and their merry band of sidekicks running all over Orleans Parish trying to piece the case together for the extremely short-staffed NOPD and bringing us along for the ride.

The mystery itself is entertaining (and disturbing), but where Mr. Donaldson excels is in bringing the setting to life with stunning realism. I’ve never been to New Orleans, but Mr. Donaldson’s descriptions make me feel as though I’ve experienced not only the vibrancy of the city but also the devastation of Hurricane Katrina and the fear that part of New Orleans’s quintessential essence was irrevocably damaged. The same applies to the characters: KARMA was my first encounter with Kit and Broussard and the rest of the gang, and I’m sure they’ve grown by leaps and bounds since the first novel was published in 1989, but it’s incredibly accessible to new readers. I felt like I’d been dropped straight into the midst of an incredibly approachable group of quirky characters, any of whom I could readily befriend. I thoroughly enjoyed how Broussard is the antithesis of a romance hero: hugely overweight (to the point where it’s a mystery how he gets into and out of his trademark Thunderbirds!), up there in years, infuriatingly cerebral, and an intellectual snob who may be losing his keen cognitive edge. A refreshing change from the alpha Adonises with incredibly buff physiques that populate most romance novels! I want him to be my quirky bowtie-wearing uncle. But for all his apparent antihero-ness, Broussard has a deep hatred of murderers (surely explained in a previous entry in the series?) and a passion for getting justice for the victims that humanize him and make him a sympathetic character. Kit is a great foil for Broussard, tempering his rationality with bubbling emotion and struggling more openly with her sense of self and the havoc Katrina has wrought. Despite a bout of what she views as cowardice after a near-death experience disturbs her equilibrium, Kit is intelligent, kickass, and committed to her work—my favourite type of heroine.

BAD KARMA IN THE BIG EASY is a quick read for those looking for a well-plotted mystery heavily steeped in forensic pathology. Despite being the latest in a long-running series, it can be read as a standalone and serves as a great introduction to the New Orleans of Andy Broussard and Kit Franklyn, who are kind of like the Holmes and Watson of forensics. I look forward to checking out the earlier books in the series, or Mr. Donaldson’s medical thrillers, for my next break from reading romance.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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Friday, May 30, 2014

ARC Review: Mended by Kim Karr

Mended is the third book in the Connections series by Kim Karr, and features Xander Wilde. If you have read the first two books in the series, Xander is the manager for the Wilde Ones and is River's brother. I have to admit that while I have loved this series so far, I was a bit skeptical when it came to Xander's story. He wasn't always my favorite character in the first two books, and I wasn't sure if I would end up liking him. I have to say that he completely won me over though, and I really enjoyed his story. You can read this one as a standalone, but I would really suggest starting at the beginning of the series.

After River quit the band in order to be closer to his wife Dahlia, Xander is left to manage the band the Wilde Ones and they find a new lead singer. But at the start of the tour the lead singer ends up having problems with his vocal cords that force him to leave the band. Without a lead singer, the tour would be cancelled and the band would be over. When Ivy Taylor offers to go out on tour as the temporary lead singer the band quickly gets behind the idea, but Xander knows it could be a recipe for disaster. Ivy Taylor is the only girl he has ever loved, and things ended badly years before. Ivy is engaged to Damon Wolf her controlling agent, and knows that she isn't happy with him. She never should have agreed to marry him, and Xander reappearing in her life makes that all the more clear. The attraction and connection is still there between her and Xander, and things start to heat up between them the more time they spend together. But with all the current obstacles in their way as well as secrets from their past, can they find away to move forward together?

Xander really surprised me. He had not been my favorite character, and I think a lot of that was because of how he had been with Dahlia in the first two books. But in Mended, he was so much better with her and he seemed to finally understand the relationship between her and River. It was nice to see him treating her well and looking out for her. He was also deeper than he appears at first glance. He was with women casually, but he wasn't a player and because of his love for Ivy he was never able to move on. I understood his reasons for everything that had happened, but it was hard to see him let her assume things and not tell her the truth. It was sweet to see his feelings for her had never wavered though, and that he had done what he thought was best for her. Ivy was easy to like and want to root for. At first when you see her with Damon, you don't really understand why she has made the choices that brought her to her current situation. But as you get to know her better you see what a great person she is. She sacrificed for her family, and went out of her way to provide for them. She had thought that Xander betrayed her, and was heartbroken because of that. But she was determined and found a way to move forward. I really admired that about her, and it was easy to see what Xander saw in her. I thought that Ivy and Xander had an undeniable connection, and they had a ton of chemistry between them. They were perfect for each other, and I loved that they had so much history together.

Overall, I thought that this book was really good and was a nice addition to the series. There were a few parts that I thought were a bit slow, but I was still interested in finding out what happened next because I loved Xander and Ivy. I really enjoy second chance love stories, and this one was especially good. It was nice to see more of the characters from the past books, and catch up to where they were in their lives. I think what I loved the most about this story though was that the majority of it was told from Xander's POV. We get some of Ivy's POV, but it really made things so much more clear being told from Xander's and I think that was part of what really made me warm up to his character this time around. It was interesting to see his thoughts and feelings and see how he experienced everything. His character had been on such a journey, and it was great to see how he progressed from the eighteen year old boy in love with Ivy to the man he had become. I highly recommend this series, and it is one of my absolute favorites! These books are so good, and I love that they are all so different. This series is one that I would definitely consider every book a must read, and each one is as good as the last one. Kim Karr is definitely an author that I would auto-buy regardless of the book, and I can't wait to read more from her!

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | The Book Depository |

Guest Post with Author Avery Flynn and Giveaway

Meet Avery Flynn, author of This Year's Black.

Avery Flynn loves a hockey-addicted husband, has three slightly wild children and is desperately wishing someone would invent the coffee IV drip. Find out more about her on her website (, Twitter (@AveryFlynn) or Facebook ( She posts all sorts of fashion, reading and hero inspiration pictures on Pinterest (

Places to find Avery:
| Site | Facebook | Twitter

Feature and Giveaway: Mended by Kim Karr


Always in control, Xander Wilde considered life on the road to be a perfect fit for him. But when disaster strikes on the Wilde Ones’ latest tour, fate intervenes…and a newly single Ivy Taylor, the only girl he has ever loved, steps back into his life.

After moving past her painful breakup with Xander years ago, Ivy was poised to become the next big name in pop music…when suddenly she withdrew from the limelight—the same day she announced her engagement to her controlling agent, Damon Wolf.

Xander knows he should keep his distance. But once they’re on the road, he can’t resist pursuing her for a second chance. Yet a jealous Damon can’t let her go—and he’s keeping dangerous secrets that could destroy them all.

When the three of them come together, everything falls apart. But if Xander and Ivy can hold tight to the bond that connects them, they just might have a chance at reclaiming the powerful love they thought they had lost forever....

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ARC Reviwe: The Scoundrel's Seduction by Jennifer Haymore

I love books like “The Scoundrel’s Seduction” by Jennifer Haymore. It has, what for me, seems like a perfect book! The plot is fantastic. It is filled with emotion, adventure and a bit of mystery. The writing is engaging and very good. The characters are interesting, fallible and you can’t help but like them. I can’t believe that this is my first book by this great author! I will be on the lookout for her upcoming books and add her already written books to my to- read list.

Ok, so the story begins with a murder! Page one the story is interesting and I was immediately taken into who is Sam and why is he killing Lord Dunthorpe. ( I do have to say that I wish I had read the previous two books in the series.) We quickly learn that Sam Hawkins is an English spy. It is no coincidence that he has killed a Frenchman. While he kills Dunthorpe he realizes that his wife Lady Dunthorpe, or Élise, witnesses the whole thing. Sam is left with no option than to take her with him. Sam is such a great character. He is the illegitimate/ never cared for child. Although he has two other brothers he feels a loneliness because of his lack of legitimacy. He is very dedicated to being a spy and is very good at his work. There were so many wonderful layers to Sam. He was a mixture of imperfections and admirable heroic qualities. He’s brothers play an important role in his life and he finds his own way… eventually. No stranger to heartache (he is twice a widower and also lost a child) he is emotionally very guarded.

Élise was an equally fantastic heroine. She also feels alone. She is recently a widow. But because her deceased or murder husband was not the greatest of husbands, she feels only slightly sorrowful for his loss. The reality is that Élise is finally free. She married too young and to a much older man. She did not live a happy matrimonial life. Besides losing her husband she is all alone. She lives in a country that distrusts her because of her nationality.

Everything about this story was so enjoyable! The chemistry, the romance and the suspense! How can these two very wounded and lost people find their way together while trying to escape with their lives? Read and enjoy this fantastic adventure! I highly recommend it and enjoyed it

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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Thursday, May 29, 2014

ARC Review: Ready For You by J.L. Berg

Ready For You is the third book in the Ready series by J.L. Berg, and I have been dying to get my hands on this one! This series is one of my all time favorites, and I love each book so much. Ready For You is Garrett and Mia's story, and I have been anxious to get to know Garrett better ever since he was introduced as Clare's brother. This series has interconnected characters, but each book can be read as a standalone. I highly recommend starting at the beginning though so that you get to know each other these characters and see everything that they have been through, and because they are all fantastic!

Eight years have gone by since Garrett lost the love of his life. He had been planning on spending his future with Mia, but she disappeared the night of their graduation. Now years later, he is living in a tiny apartment and working a job that he hates. He has no plans to ever be with anyone seriously and knows that Mia was his one chance at love. When Mia suddenly reappears in town, she never expects to run into Garrett. There are so many things that were left unresolved that they both know they need to work on. Garrett begins to help Mia fix up her new house, and they get to know the people that they have become. The connection they once felt is still there, but with so many painful things from their past can they possibly move forward to a future together?

I really loved Garrett. He had always been the quiet and brooding type in the previous books, but you could tell there was so much more to his character. Once things started to be revealed in this book, I felt so bad for everything that he had been through. He was devastated after losing Mia and he was just surviving. It was so great to see him and Mia reconnect and to see him start living again. Their connection was so strong to be able to survive everything that they had been through, and I loved watching them open up to each other again. Mia had made mistakes, but she was forced to deal with so much at such a young age. She was alone and struggled without any help, and I felt bad for her as well as Garrett. I thought that these two were absolutely perfect together though. They were sweet and loving, and they were such a great match for one another. I honestly don't know if I have ever read about a couple that was so natural together. Their relationship was one that just fit, and you knew these two would end up together because there was just no other option. They were emotionally connected, but were also extremely attracted to each other.

Overall, I really loved this book. I always wonder after I finish a book in this series how J.L. Berg will possibly be able to write another that is as good or better than the last, and every single time she does it! These books are fantastic, and are so wonderfully written. I love her writing style, the pacing is always perfect, and the characters are always deep and easy to relate to. She has a way of drawing you in with these unique and different characters, and I love that they aren't the same cookie cutter types that you get so often with contemporaries and new adults. If you haven't read anything by J.L. Berg yet, you are seriously missing out! I highly recommend every book in this series, and this one was just another to add to my favorites list! I will literally read anything by J.L. Berg at this point, and I can't wait to read the next Ready book as well as whatever else she comes up with in the future!

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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ARC Review: For the Love of a Lush by Selena Laurence

For the Love of a Lush is the second book in the Lush series by Selena Laurence. This one can be read as a standalone, but does take place following the events of the first book with interconnected characters. I hadn't read the first book at the time I read this one, and I had no problems figuring everything out quickly though. I think it would have enhanced my experience with this book having seen all the events before and knowing the characters and their history better, but it wasn't a necessity. I will say that after reading this one though, I will definitely be going back to read it and I also can't wait for more in this series! Serena Laurence is a new to me author, but I really enjoyed this book and her writing style.

Six months have gone by since Walsh lost everything. He was a drummer for a successful rock band, he was engaged to the love of his life, and he didn't want for anything. But he is also an alcoholic, and while in rehab he suffered a horrible betrayal. Now after the breakup of his band and getting out of rehab, he is living and working at the Double A ranch and focusing on staying sober and completing his steps. When his ex-fiance shows up looking to rekindle their relationship, Walsh sets out to make things right between them so that they can move on. But he has no interest in getting back together, even if he still loves her. Tammy however is a fighter and refuses to give up so easily on them. She made a horrible mistake and is determined to prove to Walsh that she is different and that they are meant to be together. As Tammy and Walsh get to know the people they are now, they both realize that although the feelings are still there between them it won't be easy to overcome everything that has happened. Will they be willing to do what it takes to have a future together though?

I really liked Walsh. I felt so bad for him. He had been through so much, and my heart absolutely broke for him at many points in this story. Yes he made mistakes, and a lot of things happened because of his problem with alcohol. But that doesn't excuse the betrayal that occurred by the two people who should have loved him the most. Walsh really made such a transformation even from the start of this book to the end, and he really was committed to staying sober and changing his life. He had hit such a low point, and was really forgiving and understanding despite what he had been through. I liked that he took responsibility for his actions, and didn't try to make excuses or put blame anywhere that it shouldn't be. Tammy was harder for me to like though. She had made such terrible mistake, and I just couldn't understand why she would do what she did. It didn't make sense to me even with everything that she was dealing with. I was glad that she was completely honest though, and she owned up to everything. She never once denied anything, and I had a lot of respect for that. I will say that she did win me over slowly though, and I really started to root for her and Walsh to figure things out. Their story was such a great one because they had so much history, and such a strong connection. You could see that after everything, they were still meant to be together and were made for each other. They had such a great emotional bond as well as fabulous chemistry.

Overall, I thought that this book was really good. I liked the characters, and I am interested in seeing more of them all. I look forward to continuing this series as well as going back and getting Joss and Mel's story. I did think that things were a bit easy when it came to Walsh forgiving Joss though, and he seemed to be much less forgiving with Tammy. Things seemed to be smoothed over faster than I would have thought possible when it came to them. I did think that it was great that they were able to get over things though, and that they could start to be friends again in the future. But I would have expected it to have taken a much longer time that what happened in this book. This book was full of hope and love, and determination. There were parts that were so heartbreaking you needed a serious amount of tissues though, and these characters struggled so much. It was so nice to see them overcome the obstacles placed before them, and I am so glad that things worked out the way they did. I would definitely recommend this book to contemporary fans, and I look forward to reading more from Selena Laurence in the future.

**ARC Provided by Author**

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Guest Post with Author Sophia Nash and Giveaway

Sophia Nash was born in Switzerland and raised in France and the United States, but says her heart resides in Regency England. Her ancestor, an infamous French admiral who traded epic cannon fire with the British Royal Navy, is surely turning in his grave. Before pursuing her long-held dream of writing, Sophia was an award-winning television producer for a CBS affiliate, a congressional speechwriter, and a nonprofit CEO. She lives in the Washington, D.C., suburbs with her husband and two children. Sophia's novels have won twelve national awards, including the prestigious RITA® Award, and two spots on Booklist's "Top Ten Romances of the Year."

Find Sophia at:

Feature and Giveaway: That Man Trilogy by Nelle L’Amour

There’s a new beautiful player in town…

Blake Burns, the sexy head of SIN-TV, who goes through women like some go through water. Until he meets Jennifer McCoy, his outspoken new assistant and development executive.

Newly engaged Jennifer has no idea that her devastating new boss is the man she kissed, blindfolded, in a game of Truth or Dare. That kiss, that man, that beautiful stranger she cannot forget.

Blake hasn’t been able to stop thinking about that kiss either…and he’ll do anything to win Jennifer —even if it means being a beautiful bastard and breaking all the rules.

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Review: That Man 1 by Nelle L'Amour

That Man 1 is the first book in the That Man trilogy by Nelle L'Amour. This is the first book that I have read by her and while there were things that I did enjoy there were also some things that left me with mixed feelings. Jennifer is newly engaged and goes out one night with her friends to celebrate. They dare to kiss a stranger while blindfolded, and it results in the hottest kiss she has ever experienced. When she removes the blindfold the man is gone. When she shows up for an interview the next day, she has no idea that the man that is about to become her new boss is the same stranger that she kissed. Blake is used to dating tall model like blonds, but he can't help but keep thinking about the short brunette that kissed him. When she shows up as his new employee, he immediately decides to pursue her. But Jennifer is engaged, and he will have to get her to see that she deserves more than what her lame dentist fiance offers her.

I liked Blake. He was cocky and blunt, but he was also sweet at times. He was super sexy and knew that he could get any girl that he wanted. He was a bit confusing at times though because he was such a playboy but yet without hardly knowing Jennifer at all, he was suddenly thinking about babies and a future with her. It was a bit unbelievable considering that they had barely spoken or spent time together, and had shared a single kiss that she didn't even know about. Jennifer was a bit hard for me to warm up to. She was smart and had great ideas and was a hard worker. She was devoted to her fiance and went out of her way to make him comfortable and appease him. But then she kisses a stranger and fantasizes about her boss, all while still committing herself to a man she clearly doesn't love or really want a future with. She had zero chemistry with her fiance and the way he treated her was horrible. I just didn't get it. She had chemistry with Blake and there was definitely something between them, but I kept waiting for her to find out that it was him that she had kissed and it never happened.

I also thought that for all his playboy reputation and the attraction between Blake and Jennifer, there wasn't a lot of physical interaction. Besides a few brief masturbation scenes and some porn scenes, I kept waiting for the steam. I am interested to see where L'Amour takes these characters and what happens next. I hope that we get more development with the characters and their relationship in the next installment, and hopefully Jennifer wakes up soon about her fiance. We are left with a cliffhanger at the end since this is a serial, so be warned that this one will leave you hanging. I look forward to reading more in this serial and from Nelle L'Amour in the future.

**Copy Provided by Love Between the Sheets Promotions**

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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Review: The Token by Marata Eros

The Token is the first part in a serial by Marata Eros. Each installment will be about 25,000 words per the author. We are introduced to the main character Faren and the hero Jared (Mick). At the start of this story Faren has just received life altering news from her doctor. She is already struggling to pay for her mother's care after her mother saved her and is now in need of constant care. In order to pay for her mother's care and to handle things faster, Faren takes her friend Kiki up on her offer of help to get a job as an exotic dancer. She ends up meeting the club's owner outside of work, and they are both immediately attracted to each other. They end up going on a date, and things are going well until assumptions are made. Things are still up in the air at the end of this installment as someone from Faren's past reappears.

I am intrigued by both Jared and Faren's characters. Since this is just the first installment, I feel like we don't really get to know either of them that well yet. Jared is a sexy and mysterious billionaire who could have any woman he wants. He is drawn to Faren right from the start and goes out of his way to take care of her when he accidentally hits her with his motorcycle. Faren is dedicated and loyal, and will do anything to take care of her mother. She goes so far that she is willing to do jobs that make her sick and are disgusting just to help provide more than her physical therapy does. I liked her friendship with Kiki. I thought that Jared and Faren had a lot of chemistry together and I will be interested to see how their relationship progresses.

Overall, I thought that this was a good first installment. I felt the pacing was a bit weird to me though. At first things seemed to move pretty slowly, but then there were other times that things almost seemed rushed and were over too quickly. I am interested to see how the author proceeds from her because things seem to be doomed right from the start with Faren's diagnosis from her doctor. I hope that Jared will play a larger part moving forward, as he seemed to be almost a secondary character in this book. Be warned that since this is a serial, you are left with a cliffhanger. I will definitely be reading the next installment to see what happens from here. If you are a fan of darker and gritty romance stories, I would give this one a shot.

**Copy Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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